ChefConf 2019: Azure DevOps
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ChefConf 2019: Azure DevOps
ChefConf 2019: Managing Resources in Azure
ChefConf 2019: Chef as a One-Stop Solution on Microsoft Azure
ChefConf 2019: DevOps: The Next Generation
ChefConf 2019: Lessons Learned while Developing Cookbooks for a Windows-Centric Organization
ChefConf 2019: Implementing Chef InSpec Scanning at Scale Through Azure Policy
ChefConf 2019: Windows 2008 End of Life: A Habitat Accelerators Deep Dive
ChefConf 2019: Application IV&V: Chef Automate and Inspec
ChefConf 2019 Brendan Burns (Microsoft) Keynote
code.talks 2019 - From Zero to Hero: Continuous Delivery and DevOps using GitHub and Azure Pipelines
Microsoft Azure & Chef Integration and Demo - ChefConf 2018 Keynote
January Meetup - Chef and Azure DevOps
Terraform, Habitat, and Azure DevOps - Alain Lubin
Deploying Azure with Azure Resource Templates and Chef Automate
Code, Low-Code, No-Code: The DevOps Implications (ChefConf Online, June 2020)
ChefConf 2019: Barry Crist Keynote
ChefConf 2019: Corey Scobie, Product Keynote
Putting Governance Into Your DevOps Processes - ChefConf 2018
ChefConf 2019 Nell Shamrell-Harrington (Chef) Keynote
Using Chef Effortless To Build DevOps Teams (ChefConf Online, June 2020)
ChefConf 2019: Effortless Config 101
Support Workshop - Azure Devops and the Octopus plugin
ChefConf 2019: Running Legacy Applications on Kubernetes
Ship it with Azure DevOps, Pipelines and GitHub