There are Seven Seals, and Gilead was seven days' journey 5

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The forces of darkness want us separated from the Creator. It is important to honor the Creator on the seventh day of rest. "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." - Genesis

This is April Schulthies. Modern genocide goes on today, including the genocide of Jews, Africans, Native Americans, and more. Modern genocides include the Weaver family at Ruby Ridge in the 1990s, the Davidians at Waco in the 1990s, and Native Americans at Wounded Knee in the 1970s. The original Wounded Knee Massacre was one of the worst blights on the history of the United States. Genocide needs to be opposed, and reparations need to be made. Genocides include Jews, Africans, Muslims, Russians, Irish, Celts, Japanese, Chinese, aborigines, Vietnamese, Koreans, Hmong, Hawaiians, Eskimos, Native Americans, Mexicans and more. Never forget. Never, never forget.
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