Meditating With Peter Parker in ''The Amazing Spider-Man 2''

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#ambience #spiderman #meditation #relaxing #andrewgarfield #hanszimmer
Meditating With Peter Parker in ''The Amazing Spider-Man 2''
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The picture made me actually tear up, . because the amazing spiderman was a huge part of my childhood, and in about a year I will be going off to university. I really love this


My comment will be lost in the hundreds of others, but I thought I'd share. back in 2019, I was 26 years old. I was struggling with finishing college. I watched all my friends finish school and have children of their own. I was working retail at jobs that I hated. I had never had a girlfriend or real relationship up until then. And then I met a girl off a dating app. I almost swiped left. I'm so glad I didn't.

I knew just days after meeting her that I wanted to marry her. We got married in 2021. We went to Disney World for our honeymoon, and it was my first time ever going. Since then I've been on so many adventures and had so many experiences with her. My favorite: we just had a little girl this past summer. She's absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to us.

Spider-Man is my favorite character ever, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is one of my favorite movies ever. My wife also loves Spider-Man and TASM2. This song hits very close to home for me. I think about what my life was before 2019. I think about what my life could have been. I wouldn't change anything that has happened to me, good and bad. I have my problems and I stress about my job. But it was worth it. I found my Gwen. I've gotten to do things that I always dreamed of. I have a beautiful daughter, and hopefully more children in the future. I just turned 30 a month ago, but my life is only getting started.

Edit: I lost my job a few months ago. This has been the hardest year of my life. I still love my wife and daughter more than anything else.


Bro I wish we can go back to 2014.. those were our prime years...good days...


you know society is fucked when so many of us are sitting here crying to a fucking spider-man ambient video


I think Andrew was *the* perfect Spider-Man…his struggle, his light, his darkness, his love for Gwen, his grief and his failures…I honestly think Andrew’s Spider-Man went through the most trauma out of the three. Gwen Stacey’s death in this was just so overwhelmingly sad, much more so than any death in both Tobey and Tom’s versions. This Peter Parker was such a tragic character and his relationship with Gwen felt so much more real and pure than any other version of Spider-Man with Gwen/MJ, in my opinion.


I like to think Peter did this right after NWH to think about his life ahead of him as both Peter Parker and Spider-man (after saving MJ from falling).


I mean this film is so close to my heart. The bit where peter crosses the road without looking with song for zula playing in the background has to be one of my favourite moments.


Im a paramedic and fire fighter. And I love spiderman. Probably the reason I do what I do is bc as a kid seeing my hero on TV save lives in the streets he lives in made me want to do the same. When I was 17. My friend died when I could have stopped it. When I was 18 I saved my first overdose victim. When I was 19 I saved a child and brought a woman back to life. When I was 20 I was thanked for what I did for the 1st time and had a feeling I will never forget. Now I am 21. Im not like most people my age. Instead of having a normal life, going out to parties, or making friends, or dating, or even just staying home and being an introvert. I dedicate my life to saving peoples lives. Yes Bc I feel guilt and regret for when I had the chance and didn’t. And Yes bc being a first responder has given me the greatest pride in myself I have ever felt. But I cant help but think when listening to this audio. A huge part of why I am the man I am today. Is bc Stan Lee made a character made a persona I wanted to aspire to be. Bc I have many problems in life and I have lost so much in what feels like such a short amount of time. And yet I was able to use spiderman as a way to self reflect and look inside myself and what im capable of. I cant spin webs, dodge bullets, climb walls, or lift a car. But I can save a life another way, I can be there for my neighbors and community and the people around me on there worst days, I can be an example to those around me on what it means to do the right thing, and I can have the compassion for someone else….having the problems I face in life too. I can be Spiderman without the spandex and mask. I can choose to use great power with great responsibility.


There’s something very surreal about Andrew’s Spider-Man. I like all the Spidermen but I really connect with this version.


Weird how heavy this instrumental used to be to me that I couldn't watch the entire clip of Andrew sitting on the rooftop jus bcz it would get me overwhelmed w very heavy emotions regarding my own past traumas and losses in relationships and life. He is the Spiderman of my generation and I am proud of that <333


In highschool almost 8 years from now, I watched this deleted scene on YouTube. At the time I had my heart broken and I remember sitting by myself with earphones in playing this scene over and over. It was therapeutic and just put my mind at ease. Thank you for making something like this, maybe it will help someone else as it did me


I've read a lot of comments. Honestly if you are in your twenties, and if you feel completely lost. If you don't know what to do, waiting for your miracle.

Believe me it will happen one day. But before, you gotta struggle, fight for it.
I know what it is to be asleep in the middle of the night and thinking of what will happen in the next years.
I know it's not easy, but please, trust in yourself.
...Something good is on the way. be patient, the reward will worth it.

and remember, with great powers comes greats responsibilities.


I was just thinking about this scene, amazing shot. Reminds me of 2014, man I miss Andrew as Spider-Man 😭😭


What I love about the Amazing Spider-man is that it really humanizes a hero in a way that someone who has been through a lot of failure can relate to. I find it so relatable that Andrew’s Peter so often feels shame, guilt, and hurt that he hides all of it with an extroverted appearance. And when things don’t go well, there are times where he just can’t push through. This is a Peter that lingers on pain, and struggles fighting the parts about himself he hates, and is constantly learning and re-learning that it’s okay to live with your demons. He’s a hero that struggles so much more with his internal battles than his external, I can’t help but be inspired by how he always pushes through.


I like this Spider guy, I don't want anyone else.


When I saw this film, I realized it’s been 10 years and I’m not 16 anymore, I’m 25 now, life is too short and flies really fast. Friends leave, life changes and life doesn’t stop

I have to stop caring and start living my life, focus on myself, be me.
Time to try harder now, to accept my mistakes, letting it go, learn that the past is gone but memories stays forever
And I GOTTA MOVE ON! Keep moving forward and keep my feet moving


This picture has guided me through the toughest of times. I find solace knowing that even a man like Peter could fail to be with the love of life. I am not even half the man Peter is, and so I know if he can lose his world then it isn't unfair for me to have lost the love of my life.

That's how life works, and I get that now. It's going to be 4 years soon since she left me, and yet every night I sit alone, with my whiskey thinking how I could have handled things differently and we would have a family right now.

I believe in God's plan and I know if I don't have her, it's because I didn't deserve her. If I'm undeserving, I accept my fate and I am ready to be alone for the rest of my life. Until the next one, in which I will make sure I do not repeat my mistakes.

May God richly bless all my brothers who have lost their love to time. If you haven't moved on, know that you are not alone.


This is so AMAZING, no pun intended, The Amazing Spiderman was just incredibly inspiring and it teaches us no matter what happens you can pick yourself up, this movie was truly A M A Z I N G and I hope they make part 3 !!! Ty for giving us this soundtrack


Ik TASM2 gets hate but for me out of every spiderman movie we got its actually my favourite, just the music score behind it, the chemistry between Peter and Gwen when they are together and not together, the love Aunt May has for Peter as if he is her son, the scenery of NYC like all of it is dare i say it AMAZING. I love both TASM movies, and after the second film. I wanted a 3rd movie I wanted to see how Peter carries on with his life as both Peter Paker and Spider-man especially since Gwen died and his best friend becomes his foe. But then NWH comes out and the look on my face when Andrew steps back into the roll of our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man was beyond happy I laughed and cheered out loud and also cried when he and the other 2 Spide-men talk about what they all lost and how he wanted bothers 😢 💔 and cried a whole lot more when he finally got what he been wanting, catching MJ was a real heart warming moment and I loved it


They need to make a TASM3 Right Now
the trilogy needs to be completed
I don't care about Spiderman 4 with Toby
he's old news I want Andrew THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN 3
Come on Sony and make this movie already
let's fucking GO