Tiny Shipping Container Home! // Scenic Orchard Airbnb Tiny House Tour!

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Shipping container homes are some of our favorite on this channel and today we have another one for ya. Built by the same hosts as the Hickory Outlook, this tiny house has privacy, a hot tub, and great views from all the windows throughout. There are also plans for this shipping container! Be sure to check that out as well. Thanks for watching!

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Levi, as usual you demonstrate your dedication to producing quality content - by reviewing what you'd made and realising you didn't like the audio and re-recording it. Thanks so much for creating the best tiny home/airbnb content on the net for us to enjoy!

Regarding the container home, I've posted before on your videos about how I could see myself living in the particular property - this one not so much, but it does look like a fabulous place to get away for a day or two. The other home on this property would be something I'd love though.


I'm a hard sell on shipping container houses. This is a pretty nice and simple take. It suits the temporary stay better tan full time living for sure. Two or three of these in a cluster, however, and I could be sold. Anyway, love the look and vibe of this one.


One of my favorite all-time shipping container homes! They're building another one soon 😬


For a shipping container it comes up very nicely. The windows are perfect allowing heaps of light in and stunning views out.

Only suitable for short term living though and making that bed would be challenging. Great idea redoing the audio, I feel it was very natural and worked well. Great presentation video as always 🙏


It looks lovely, open with a crisp and clean vibe. I love the outside fire and particularly like the choice of two blinds, blackout or opaque. That's a really good touch 😊


I love it! The natural light always opens up tiny spaces. Beautifully made home!


Its all of the attention to the details and little things that sets this place apartment Levi...beautiful spot Kelly's


I have zero need for an Airbnb, but I do have a tiny cabin in the Ozark woods. Your videos are top notch, not boringly long, and give me ideas on amenities, remodels, decorating, etc. This one was amazing, thanks for braving the cold.


Levi, although I do enjoy watching your reviews of tiny houses, I do ask that you include properties at more affordable price levels. Many of your recent reviews have been for properties in the very expensive category of well over $200 per night. Thanks and good luck!


I really like how the bedroom has three walls of windows. I would add a window to the side end of the kitchen too.


Awesome home, thank you for the tour!


This is as beautiful as the one before!❤
I love black shipping container homes. The inside is beautiful aswell, I like the bright walls, the wooden countertop and the the big bathroom. The bedroom is small, but perfectly cozy!!🥰
And, of course, I love the kitchen, even I would have used a white sink.🤷‍♀️
The hottub and the fire outside are great and the little extra things they provide for you are a nice feature aswell!☺

See you next week!👍

Ps: I'm in the USA for three weeks and tried a cute houseboat airbnb in Florida!😁


Отличные у вас дома на обзорах! Вдохновляют. Черный дом на фоне снега, смотрится очень привлекательно. Особенно с камином и ночью. Комментарий на русском для продвижения видео в нашей стране.)


This is one, like the last one, I am glad to have plans available. Thank you Levi and Sav! :) You look totally different with the facial hair lol Nothing bad at all with trying different things.

That stainless steel farm sink was very cool too!


Really like it especially for a shipping container, only one thing I would change, I'd put a really nice television in the ceiling, so there's no chance of me getting a neck crik (that's southern for a pain in my neck). Other than that the windows really make it feel open.


Very nice place! Beautiful! Love the hot tub!


Estoy enamorada de tu contenido me volví adicta a el gracias saludos desde México 🇲🇽❤️♥️


That root beer in the fridge is my favorite. And yes i do live not too far from there. Ha


Levi can you do a video on equipment you use to create your awesome content? It always looks & sounds so good & always super smooth!!!! Your channel is super important to me so I assume others feel the same. I really want the behind the scenes on how you do it!!!!


I would move kitchen to inside of front door and put living room at the far end.
