Coronavirus outbreak: NATO Secretary-General warns of the 'long-term consequences' of COVID-19

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Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned of the "long-term" impacts COVID-19 could have on the global economy and on the global security picture, and urged all NATO member states to contribute even more to the fight to contain the virus.

On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a halt to American payments to the World Health Organization, pending a review of its warnings about the coronavirus and China.

Nations around the world reacted with alarm to the news, and health experts warned the move could jeopardize global efforts to stop the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, he European Union moved Wednesday to head off a chaotic and potentially disastrous easing of restrictions that are limiting the spread of the coronavirus, warning its 27 nations to move very cautiously as they return to normal life and base their actions on scientific advice.

And U.S. President Donald Trump said he's enlisting advisers from nearly all sectors of American commerce, the medical field and elected office to help shape his plans to reopen the economy.

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Lmao how r we united. Look at Canada's relationship with the usa. We dont even have to talk about usa and Mexico
