Rudy Giuliani DISBARRED Over Election Interference Lawsuits

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A three-judge panel handed down a ruling this week that says that Rudy Giuliani will be disbarred from practicing law in Washington, D.C., similar to the ruling earlier this year barring him from practicing in New York. The disbarment is a direct result of his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election via frivolous lawsuits that went nowhere. But that’s not the only bad news that the former New York mayor got this week, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Rudy Giuliani had an exceptionally terrible week this week, and one of the reasons of call, of course, this one's a little more minor, is 'cause he got, uh, smacked around by a judge, his bankruptcy judge, telling him you owe several hundred thousand dollars because basically you were a complete a-hole during your bankruptcy hearing. But I'll get more to that in a moment because the worst thing that happened to Giuliani this week was that a three judge panel from the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia ruled that he will be disbarred. Similar of course, to what happened to him earlier this year in the state of New York, where he was also disbarred for his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. So what happened is that back in May, the bar for the District of Columbia, they had a board put together that was looking into Rudy Giuliani, and they came to the conclusion that because of his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and to disenfranchise voters and to undermine democracy, and because he filed all these frivolous lawsuits that went nowhere, he should be disbarred.

In fact, this is what they wrote. We conclude that disbarment is the only sanction that will protect the public, the courts, and the integrity of the legal profession, and deter other lawyers from launching similarly baseless claims in the pursuit of such wide ranging yet completely unjustified relief that was in May. Now, the bar doesn't have the actual authority to disbar that has to come from the courts upon the recommendation of the bar. And again, the three judge panel from the District of Columbia ruled this week that, yes, we agree with you, he is gonna be disbarred. And one of the specific things that they cited was Giuliani's efforts to disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters in the state of Pennsylvania, uh, depriving them of their right to vote, depriving them of, you know, their access to democracy itself. Basically, what you did in Pennsylvania was the most egregious thing you did, but everything else was also really, really bad.

So Giuliani no longer can practice law in Washington dc. He can no longer practice law in New York. But to be honest, those things don't necessarily matter due to the fact that Rudy Giuliani was not actively practicing law, but his spokesperson, Ted Goodman, came out and decided to let the courts have it. And Goodman issued a statement saying, quote, members of the legal community who want to protect the integrity of our justice system should immediately speak out against this partisan, politically motivated decision. The people coming after Mayor Giuliani can't take away the fact that he remains the most effective prosecutor in American history who did mortar improve the lives of others than most any other American alive today. Yeah, too bad. Everything this man ever did in his history is now undermined because he threw his lot in with Donald Trump. Okay? That's what happened. Rudy Giuliani would not have been facing any of these problems had he not gotten in bed metaphorically with Donald Trump.
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One down and so many more need to face accountability for their transgressions!


Hey Giuliani, I hope Trump was worth it. Let’s see when he’s gonna come to your rescue.


He was warned of the very expensive price one pays when you work for Trump, but he didn’t listen! Oh well!


Justice has come for Rudy this day!! Congratulations to the rest of us!!


Rudy Ghouliani finally gets just a sliver of what he deserves.


Rudy, Rudy, Rudy……didn’t you ever hear the old saying “If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas”? This is what happens to all of those that are in tRump’s orbit.


He played stupid games. He won a really stupid prize.😂


And….. WE ARE ABSOLUTELY LOVING THIS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ a well deserved decision


Some of the best news all week! And all for a man who doesn’t even care about him. Now all that’s left is the drink.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


But he still hasn't paid his fines, he still hasn't paid what he owes to those two courageous ladies who were just doing their job. He keeps getting out of it, just like trumputin. He seems to have enough to pay a 'spokesman', who by the sound of it should also be in trouble for insulting the legal profession.


Well Rudy, you worked overtime and weekends for this! borrow 50 bucks and get a bottle of scotch to celebrate.


Rudy is a lawyer and knew what he was doing. I don't feel the least bit sorry for him.


Thank you, DC Bar/court system! Rudy Giuliani does not deserve to be a lawyer, ever again. May he serve as a cautionary tale to other lawyers who might be similarly inclined.


It's almost as if everything drump touches, dies...😂😂😂😂


Corruption has a Price!!!!
It takes everything away...


A bad week for Rudy is a good week for us.


Rudy and Kimberly Guilfoyle are going to hire out as gargoyles.


Poor Rudy... poor poor Rudy. So unfair, so rigged... so appropriate.


Poor Old Gouliani will be looking for a cardboard box to share with Alex Jones. Mike Lindell will have to bring his own box.
