Design of lined canal | Solved Example of Design of Trapezoidal and Triangle section lined canal

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#canaldesign #Irrigationengineering #Waterresourcesengineering

checkout the video listed below with link for better understanding:

Lacey's theory Design step | Design step for Lacey's theory of canal Design | GPSC MCQ Question

Lacey's sum | Type 1 when Silt factor is given & Side slope is 1/2 : 1 | Lacey's Design of canal

Lacey's sum |Type 2 When silt factor is not given & side slope is different | Lacey's solved example

Canal Design by Kennedy's theory Numerical || Type 2 method example of Kennedy's theory with details

Design of Channel by Kennedy's theory || Type 1 Kennedy's solved example with detail design steps

Design of Non Alluvial Channel Numerical with design steps || Canal Design for Non alluvial soil

Design of lined canal | Solved Example of Design of Trapezoidal and Triangle section lined canal

Water Requirement of crop Numerical || Consumptive use, Outlet Discharge, Delta & Design Discharge

Water requirement of crop Numerical || Sum of Discharge Required and Required capacity of Reservoir

Important question for GTU Irrigation engineering exam on 25/01/2021 || GTU 7th sem winter exam 2020

Fluid Mechanics Chapter wise playlist link is here:

Fluid statics (Pressure Measurements)

Laminar flow in pipe (Viscous flow)

Notch and weir

Fluid kinematics

Fluid dynamics

Total pressure and center of pressure

Hydroelectric power plant

Turbulent flow in pipes

Solved example of Turbulent flow

flow through pipe

Solved example of flow through pipe

Dimension analysis and similarities

Boundary Layer

Properties of fluids

open channel flow

Motivational video

#laceytheory #lacey'ssum#solvedexampleoflacey #designstepoflacey #kennedy'stheory #kennedysum #laceyformula #canaldesign #alluvialcanal #irrigationengineering #irrigation #waterresourcesengineering #solvedexampleofirrigationengineering #aktu #gtu #vtu #professornidhitrivedi #siltfactor #hydraulicradius #manningformula #kennedytheory #meanparticlesize #sideslope #bedslope #designofcanalbylacey #designofcanalbykennedy #civilengineering #linedcanal #linedchannel #designoflinedcanal #trapezodiallinedcanal #trianglelinedcanal #ntu #GPSC #gpscmcq
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you..very useful for my tommorow 's exam


Thanks alot ma'am very helpful for me..
I m a student of(civil engineering) btech final year .
I got compartment in design of hydraulic structure .
Ma'am can you teach me some topics about Hydraulic structure .


Thank you mam 🙏, for triangular section is not mandatory to find breadth (B) value????


Mam please share this notes mam 🙏 1 day to left exam mam please share all unit notes 🥺


Sir can you give the reference that when discharge is greater than 85 cumecs the we should use trapezoidal section.????


Mam I am preparing for ssc je I have done
Completed my preparation..but question nahi lag rhe hai....mere ko koi numerical ki book suggest kijiye.., ....m pyq bhi laga chuka hu uske Kahi ek topic pe ek questions milta....PLZZ ...mam
