Elite Dangerous - Engineering Changes, P2W Update, Powerplay 2 Details

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Frontier have revealed two of the pre-built ships that will be available on the Elite cash-shop. Engineering is going to get a rebalance. Powerplay 2 gets some new details.

Any support is massively appreciated!

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Frontier logic:
1. Makes a game that's incredibly grindy.
2. Ignores players cries to make the game fun without grind.
3. Surprised Pikachu face when players start to leave.
4. Still ignores long-standing complaints about grind.
5. Offers a real-money "solution" to bypass the grind nobody likes.
6. Players leave the game sooner because grinding IS the gameplay, and now there's less of it.


"FDev needs continued funding for continued development"

Sure...but that begs the question: _what continued development?_ The last major update, Odyssey, came out *three years ago* now, and development since then has been slower than it was during the Horizons days.


Mining Prebuilt: Skip the Grind... to grind.
AX Prebuilt: Pay to win... against aliens.
Ok, this is still not that evil, yet. But the slipperiness of the slope!


I don't care at all where other players get their ships and upgrades from. The zero rebuy thing is meh though. What I really dislike is that they have the Python 2 ready, but holding it back artificially to create a cash source, offering it on the shop for real money... Like... nope. Don't like that a bit.
I'm all for making engineering more accessible and less grindy.


Elite taught me a very useful lesson: never pre order games and never buy season passes (LEP owner here). Haven't touched ED since Odyssey launch, such a shame.


Elite Dangerous could have been the game everyone pointed to when they say they want a space game but... smh.


All that they needed to do for engineering was to enable you to buy the materials you need from material traders at a set price instead of trading materials.


"Make engineering more accessible".

Can people remind me how many times they said the exact same thing over the years and pretty much didn't touch it, leaving us where we are now?

Also, I find it quite ironic that they will sell a pvp focused ship that will allow people to straight out ignore any consequences of pvp (buybacks and such). If there ever was an incentive to play in open, it is now gone straight through a reinforced concrete wall.


Maybe FD should try something novel like asking all the players that don't play anymore why they voted with there feet.


This game needs an offline mode before the servers get shut down.


10 years of grinding my tush off to get all my ships, upgrades, ranks, and engineers. I’ve heard a lot of complaints over the years how frontier doesn’t listen, and you’re right, so I’m skeptical if they will change now. But if they do, then give me something I can be enthused about again other than Thargoids. I mean you can only buy so many ships, weapons, and spaceweed, so then earning credits really isn’t an incentive anymore (I know, boo hoo). Frontier, give me a purpose and reason to stay with you.


It's pretty clear that Frontier either doesn't have the will, the talent, the money, or all three to make this game what it could be. It could easily be the biggest space game of all time and already has so much near-magic tech working in the background as it stands today, but they'd rather milk it for all it's worth and then drop it off when the player counts drop too low.


"Not too bad", "Has to have continued funding".

Continued funding for what? It's a game with box price, paid expansions and all the customization in this "sim" is microtransaction only already. Theyh shit out update once in never, it turns out to be underwhelming AT BEST and they proceed to doing nothing again.

Powerplay 2.0 that's been in the making for ages and is a damn poster change on the station is their largest update in 2 years. It's. A poster. Change. Compared to even NMS that haven't had a single paid feature yet that outclasses 10 years of elite content with a single by-monthly update.

What are we talking about, even? Finding excuses for this bullshit is why we can't have good games anymore. Because bunch of apologetic for garbage practices people will justify whatever scam publishers try to pull on them.


"we will be listening to your feedback as we go about this process" 🤣 What a joke... we were screaming and they didn't listened. Now is a little to late imho.


One of the things that makes engineering a ship kinda painfull was you need to fly to several different stations just to get all the modifiers you want. on a bigger combat ship this can easily take over an hour. (and the pain when you re missing 5 pieces of one material)


God, watching this game die is really painful for me at times like these.
I spent so many countless hours in this game world, I was a Fuelrat with 100+ rescues to my name, triple Elite, Going out and exploring the black for weeks at a time, and used to spend months in the ED Discord helping new players. Hell I have Fuelrat merch!!

Watching this game crumble under moronic choice after moronic choice from FDev really really sucks.


Lets hope it brings good content updates. If they start charging for ships like Star Citizen, they better make ships interiors like Star Citizen 😂😂


Can Frontier be any more disconnected from their player base?


The pre-built AX combat ship suggests the Thargoid war isn't going to be over with the demise of the last Titan


If they were selling, maxed out, fully engineered, endgame, ships, or ships that are superior to what you can unlock on your own, and therefore to have the best option, you have to pay for it, then I could understand existing players being upset over it, but the way it sounds like they’re doing itI don’t see much reason to be pissy about other than as a way of gatekeeping
