How to Bring Your Invention to Life (Do You Have a Product Idea?) - Copper SPEC-DNT Live Case Study

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As you might know, once in a while I do a "detour" video on this channel away from the current series. I'd love to know: do you have a product idea? If so, have you wondered how to bring your invention to life? In this video, I talk about my favourite way to test the market with me and my friend Eric's latest product design: The SPEC-DNT and use it has a live case-study.

🚨Brand New Facebook Group To Help Each Other Get It Together (created May 2020):

The Campaign is over. It was successfully funded on May 4th, but if you're curious, here's the page:

The point of this video is to gauge your interest in seeing an entire series in the near future about cultivating an idea, making a prototype, and then using crowdfunding (like kickstarter or indiegogo) to validate whether or not people actually want it, so be sure to vote in the poll in the video or comment whether or not you'd like to see behind the scenes of a product idea from start to finish.

We have no idea if our product is appealing to the masses. What I do know, is that Eric and I have been using these prototypes for over a month, and the SPEC-DNT has become a part of our personal everyday carry kits (EDC).

That's why we're using kickstarter for crowdfunding; to test and validate product-market fit. If it doesn't get successfully funded, then chances are, people don't care for it. If it does, then we know we might have a recurring business on our hands. Regardless of the outcome, using crowdfunding is the least risky way to test an idea with the real world, without having to manufacture a ton of inventory that might never actually sell.

#GetItTogether #SPECDNT #Kickstarter
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I actually think this is a marketable product and EXTREMELY well designed for its uses; the simplicity (and actually versatility it seems) are BOTH great.

Quite possibly a large segment of EDC people are not germophobes or care much at all about things like CV or avoiding contact with things frequently touched by public traffic though.

I love the fact that it genuinely does something there aren't many other products designed for (and something that many people DO want to accomplish.)


Got mine today! Look forward to trying it out in the “Wild”. 😉


I’ve done a bunch of research on an EDC touch tool and I’ve decided this seems the best, only to find it’s not being sold anymore… Can you make more?!


Wouldn’t recommend turning if light switches with a piece of copper but nice product!


This would be much, much cheaper to produce with a wire EDM machine process. You can take blanks of copper, stack them and produce fifty or more at a time.


Is this still available to purchase? I looked around and didn't see a way to buy it. Thanks!


Well done just some feed back for you to no i am in spain and have one and it works very well thank you I got it from a friend who works in a gas station as a gift


Hey I've got a super idea actually 2 ideas. One is basically a hybrid of the first. Unfortunately I don't have the funds or the know how's to get started. I've basically just have a tool idea that would change the construction industry for ever! I would love to partner up with someone who could set the ball rolling!


Looks great! I'd be interested in one.


How do you put it out to the public for funding without someone else stealing your idea ?


its soo cute how can I get one cuz I clicked and its not available anymore


I’d love to know how the invention is doing today. Same name?


ما كان حلم اصبح حقيقة واقعة. المخترع د-اسامه باهديلة


Where can I go to get a working prototype of my product made


my idea is a electronic so it's a little bit more technical


Surely you could rebrand it and stop putting potential buyers off by saying it’s a terrible name? Lol, idk just seemed like you didn’t like it… so why would I want it.


exposure to those day to day germs is what keeps our immune system strong. germaphobes are making things like corona virus a big deal.


I'm the guy you need to help I have a billion dollar idea I don't trust nobody tho if you help me I'll give you 10%


But you're in contact with the thing that is in contact, so one could just use their two fingers right,
anyways hope you guys don't get any finger cramps.


A total waste of money. This idea cannot replace a simple glove.
