Serendipitous discovery: Interview with Omar Gabr, CEO of Instabug and Professor Julian Birkinshaw

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Omar Gabr, CEO and Co-founder of Instabug talks to Professor Julian Birkinshaw about the serendipitous way his app came to realisation. For this exact reason did Instabug win the Judge’s Choice award at the 2020 Real Innovation Awards under the Alexander Fleming Serendipity category.

Their initial idea didn’t receive the best feedback, but they’ve noticed that the users liked a feature of it which essentially became the product itself. As Omar puts it, validating opportunities, watching trends, not getting too attached to your initial idea, talking and listening to the customers can give you insights about the problems they are facing and essentially integrating this into your innovation process can help you build a successful product or service. Watch the video to hear more from Omar and the Instabug journey.

The Real Innovation Awards are organised by the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE), a research institute that resides within London Business School. The awards showcase the real ingredients of innovation: tenacity, originality, good timing and serendipity.

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