Flosstube 2: WIPs, Haul, & HELP I MESSED UP!

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More Flosstube ramblings and a session of humility. Y'all are wonderful!

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Your work is beautiful. The Amish pattern immediately put me in mind of weird al. I too crochet when I want to watch a movie. I only listen or have the occasional look up when I xstitch. You are a joy to listen to. Very soothing voice.


Great camera set up! Mine consists of a small picture easel, a pen to get the angle right and a stack of tupperware type boxes. 

I am the slowest stitcher in the world. I only get to really stitch on the weekends, family permitting. Stitching Panda figured that her HAED would take her over 13+ years to complete at the current pace/rotation. Remember this is suppose to be fun! You may find that you don't really need the horizontal grid lines. You may find that you don't need gridding at all. Drive on, give it a shot. 

Ok, on your silhouette piece - just tossing around an idea - could you cut it out and attach it to another piece of fabric. Either cut a hole, stitch a "frame" and insert the silhouette behind it. Or stitch it on another piece of fabric and hid the edges by stitching a "frame". The corner of my being that is dedicated to all things that must be square, true, even and lined up cries for you. :D


Your set up is savvy! Wow don't use bobbins but holy moly! Wow that blanket lots of work!


I do a printed cross stitch. Require very little consideration and so fun to do.


Enjoy your videos and glad to find your etsy shop! I knit and am going to attempt to crocet a blanket for my youngest. I knitted one for my oldest and was gokng to change up colors and redo it but im too bored and only 3 blocks in so im going to try out crochet although im a little nervous, its a whole new world!


All of my older videos have books for a tripod so your candle stand is great! I agree with everyone who is saying not to rush your project, if it takes you five years then that is a-ok! You'll treasure every stitch you put into it. Again as with your other video I just love your patterns! That Mr. Darcy looks like Colin haha! I'm so sorry you put him in the wrong spot, but we've all done that at one point or another. I like cheap stuff...go you! Save money where you can, this way you can buy nice stash ;) And that bee pattern, I love it! StitchingMae was nice enough to send it to me (I am a beekeeper), can't wait to see you stitch it up! My husband would love your Amish pattern, he's a big Weird Al fan (we're going to see him this summer in concert). Your blanket is lovely too! I stitch and listen to a show pretty much....if something juicy is going on I'll stop and look up!


This is kinda late as I've only just come across this video, but Jennifer Apodaca had a great tutorial on gridding. Basically you grid the outside grid lines all the way around and fill in the center in rounds. As you finish the rounds you won't need to count because you can eyeball there to put your next grid line.


Hey girl!  I just found your videos.  I am loving your Etsy shop, the spring quilt sampler especially - awesome job!  I have such respect for those who create patterns, it takes an amazing amount of creativity. How did you get started writing patterns?  I hear you on your makeshift tripod situation, I put my camera on top of about 15 books.
Good for you for doing all of that gridding, I've never gridded before but I imagine it would help a lot with a design that big.
I love your crochet work!  I'm glad you showed it.
P.S. I am majorly envious of your hair.


Your afghan is gorgeous!! I, too like to crochet. Love your pattern! As for the mistake, I think we've all had a horrific one at one point or another. You might try to trim in within a couple of squares an try to anchor it with a satin stitch maybe?


Hi lindystitiches - regarding Mr. Darcy, you could stitch a border around his profile as if it was a cameo pendant, cut it out and apply it to another fabric,  It would be raised up but it could provide a great affect..


I can understand why you would be tired of crocheting at this point, but your daughter's blanket turned out really beautiful!  Love the gradient of colors.  Her praises must feel so rewarding!  

Your Dancing piece actually inspired me to look into a work of art to stitch and I settled on "After the Bath" which you can see in my newest video!  I have a feeling I will be working on it for a long time, so it will be nice to see someone else progress on their own piece of art which they adore.  

And which Amish country do you live in?  You can just put state if you'd rather not say city, or if you'd rather not answer, that's fine too!  I only ask because I have lived in Amish country in Indiana and Pennsylvania and have visited Ohio Amish country.  I can definitely relate to your experiences.  There's nothing like waking up at 6am to the clip clip clopping of a buggy outside your window!


Awww sweetie thanks so much for the mention. I'm glad you've found the video helpful. I've never gridded and I don't ever plan to... I'm way too impatient for that! HAEDs can be very overwhelming. My Blue Dragon is the biggest design I have ever stitched and I too remember feeling incredibly frightened at the sheer size of it and wondering how long it would take. My best advice is don't try and work it out and don't put a time frame on it.... Doing that takes the fun away. Just enjoy stitching it and take lots of progress shots as you go. That way you can see how much progress you've made even when you don't think you have. To be honest I think the longer a project takes the greater the sense of accomplishment once it's finally completed.
As for the mistake... I like Calico's idea of trimming it and then attaching it with a satin stitch. It will look like it's a framed picture :)
Take care and happy stitching :) xx


Hi Stephanie! Welcome to Flosstube! I just wanted to tell you that I have been working on a Fractal design from Cross Stitch Collectibles for AT LEAST 5 yrs. It's all confetti, and I can only take so much at one time. I am finally seeing the end of it, however, and plan to finish it this year. It's all one stitch at a time, isn't it? Also - I checked your store and it looks like you already solved the Mr. Darcy problem, but I was going to sugget you put the Cats and Chocolate in kind of a stylized turn of the century (1900s isn - like the kind announcing the circus Greatest Show on Earth!) font  and put that above his head, and put Mr. Darcy at the bottom. Great videos, can't wait to see more from you!


You are going to love your giant piece when it is done. It definitely can be overwhelming. I'm doing a giant HAED that is 525 x 625. I count each page as a finish so that helps keep me motivated. I'm only on page 5 and I am 7 months in so I'm looking at about 7 or 8 years. I try not to think about that though! ;)


My idea for your delimma is to stitch the words on a different piece of fabric and design a picture cram to put above it. Then cut out the middle of the cram and put Darcy's photo underneath. Or you could leave the Darcy head at the bottom of your piece and put the words above since the words Mr Darcy will land atop his picture.


Ohh so glad I found you!! What a joy you are to watch!!! Your designs are very cute!!! I love your blanket!!


Great projects that you have! As for your piece that you are seeking advice for, I think  you could make his cameo an actual cameo by stitching a border around the piece or using some type of a ribbon and securing the cut ends underneath the piece and attach to the top of the fabric and then proceed with your stitching the words underneath it. Did I confuse you well enough? ; ) It will be such a cute piece and I hope you finish it off and show us how you decided to do so.  Your crochet piece is beautiful! I can see why your daughter loves it so much and I can see how you do not want to see a crochet hook for quite a while! Looking forward to your next video! : )


I too gridded for the first time with that red nylon because I also picked a big a-- project (zxxcourtr on Instagram). I work so the fact that I spent 3 days to grid is understandable. I also used the blue washable pen to number my rows. I know it seems like a lot of prep time. But for me it was 1000 times worth it. I'm not parking. But I find with gridding and numbering has keep me on track many times so far. Don't pressure yourself about how long things take. Enjoy the journey and remember IT'S JUST A HOBBY. I don't do sal's either. Enjoy your stitch time😀


I'd cut it out then I'd stitch the other parts then I'd mount them in separate frames or even do a Matt with the 2 or 3 holes in it it would look like it was meant to be.


Could you stitch the wording on top? Or stitch it and then cut and sew it and maybe decorate the seam with a pretty braided ribbon. Just play with it.😀
