High School for Jehovah's Witnesses - Dubtown S02E06

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NO extra school activities allowed if you are a JW!
#exjw animation
Young JW's are not allowed to associate with children of the world.
They are not allowed to be competitive.
Not allowed to nurture talents that can lead to a career that they are passionate about. [career is a dirty word]


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[Dubtown theme tune]
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“Saturday mornings are not about running. It’s about starting your time and walking as slowly as possible” - How do you come up with lines like that? Brilliant!


The tragedy that born-ins live....so sad, thanks for the hopeful words at the end...ur work is appreciated.


I must admit I laughed out loud at the line, "You got a lot of practice at your last school running from bullies." Excellent video, the father sounded exactly like my grandmother when I was a child not permitted to do anything extra curricular at school.


Oh my how this video hits home. My Drama teacher wanted my parents to enroll me in the Academy for Performing Arts, I was crushed that this would not be allowed. But my oldest brother did manage to join track, without my parents ever having knowledge of it. And I was in student counsel, on the down low.


Excellent video that speaks volume about the life of kids Jehovah's Witnesses.


Kevin McFree, I love all of your videos, but this one had hit me home. In highschool, my two coaches had encouraged me to join Cross-country, because I was the fastest, and had the endurance while running against the other students in my PE class. My dad who was an elder at that time, had denied my request to join X-Country and eventually it had led to my dad and I getting into a physical altercation with each other one day after school. Eventually, since I had stood-up.to my dad, I had forged my mom's signature on the permission slip to join X-Country, and I had never feared my dad or the JW elders. However, I was always a MIPO, until a few years ago.


Melch has so much potential, he gets so much encouragement at school, validation. But when he goes home he is totally squashed. So very sad.


Wow! I remember not doing the Chess Club thing because of the “no competition” policy within the J-Dubs.


LMAO 2:02 "Might bring out my killer instincts" A crack up!
Kevin, you've got a great sense of humour. I'm now an addict! Of Dubtown videos 💻👍👍👍👍👍👍


I never see this channel before but my life growing up as a witness was this x10. Having a devout mother life was like living in dictatorship. All the yelling and fighting she did with me just because I wanted to be kid. Now I’m 24 haven’t been to the meetings in almost 6 years and I’m not going back. It just suck because I know myself and other kids like myself had to grow up so fast and not understand who they are and how they want to live life without 8 guys in New York telling us what to do.


Your videos make me cry with laughter and sadness in equal measure.
Your observations of what we/I felt/feel are so much appreciated!
Thank you brother.


So Home School really is the best education! What, with all the extra time to be in mid-week f-service, on the job training in janitorial and extra in depth studies of the WT! Obviously this is the most loving decision a parent could make for their child. Just look at all the worldly influence and temptation that is avoided being in Public School. What a wonderful way to learn how to relate to your peers in the world so you could best share the good news!
Well done kevin!


This is so depressing...Reality bites. You do amazing work, Kevin 👍


Thanks Kevin, my wife and I really enjoyed this, sad to say, true depiction of life as a young witness, even older witnesses go through the same thing.


Whatever I am doing, or watching, when I see a new video from kevin McFree, I stop and watch!


Lol! “Saturday mornings are not about running. They’re about walking as slowly as possible and starting your Time.” 😂


Thank you for this. Your final message was really encouraging. No matter what your age, you can be what you want to be, from NOW. Thank you so much!


Let the flashbacks begin! Both my brother and I graduated effortlessly in the tops of our classes, but of course the evil “University” was never an option presented to us. The irony is if had my mom allowed the extra curricular activities I wanted to do, such as track, I would have had better associates than I did and would have made her life less of a hell from the rebellion lol. It’s so bass ackwards! Fortunately my brother and I are fully recovered and living successful and happy lives, no thanks to what the cults rules demanded. It’s all so sad for kids! And not all kids recover. Thank you Kevin for sharing this video and the watchtower motto to “Dream Small or not at all!” 🤣


Another awesome video ~ I was that student. Loved the message @ the end ~ thanks! 😃


Dream small or not at all - so sad yet so true!

So many young people in the organisation have their dreams and ambitions squashed because they are not allowed to pursue their talents.

It’s really very tragic...😔
