How to ACTUALLY Play Fenrir in Rainbow 6 - Dread Factor 2023

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Fenrir is the newest operator in Rainbow 6, but he's also one of the best. With the plethora of information he brings for himself and the team he's hands down the best SoloQ defender in the game. If you want to learn Fenrir and get better on your defenses overall, you're in the right spot.

SECOND CHANNEL ► @PoxonloxGames

0:00 The SoloQ God
0:56 Gadget Complexities
3:55 Theory and Strategy
6:28 Ideal Placement
7:17 Fenrir vs Other Ops
7:57 Loadout
8:38 Unlimited Wallbangs

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I believe it makes sense that Glaz is effected because the smoke isn’t what clouds your vision. The cloudy vision is a hallucination from breathing in the smoke. I could see Nokk being immune to triggering the mine, but then what about prox alarms, Thorn traps, or Ela mines?


A curious interaction you didn't mention that I had to learn the bad way yesterday is that if Fenrir himself gets hit by an EMP's radius of effect, your screen will literally glitch leaving your vision very limited for like a second (this is due the little screen he has in his eye to see the mines info) then, for the rest of the EMP's duration, you will not be able to see anything about your mines. You won't be able to see where they are, if they've gone active or destroyed and for extension, you won't be able to active or deactive any. So picking a thatcher to not only break the mines but also to screw Fenrir himself is not a bad idea (you can do it too with the EMP gadget but it is a lot harder since the radius is smaller and it doesn't last as long)
A question that this leaves me is that if he also loses his immunity to his own mines while his EMP-ed...if someone could check, i would thank you


Haven’t finished the video yet so he might mention this, but i’ve found in my ranked lobbies (Plat-Emerald) I put down an activated fenrir in a obscure location like on an object or on the roof then put an inactivated one right by it in an obvious location like a doorway or wall, in the heat of the moment they’ll shoot the inactivated one a couple times before realizing it’s not the real one, by then you’ve either killed them or they’re rotating away.


Well to be fair Fenrirs gadget is a bio chemical component so having Glaz to still be able to see through it would suck. What would help Fenrir a lot is the gas would cancel the outline of you’re teammates making it harder to differentiate between an enemy or teammate.


The fear effect will not fully activate unless you’re in the radius for long enough, since the radius is 5 meters sprinting through it will not get you out fast enough


Definitely think nokk should be immune to setting off the mine but if a teammate sets it off she should be affected, glaz should be affected because it’s the ops breathing in the gas that causes the blinding affect, also do hope they put more bans in since we have so many ops to choose from and I think it’s time and makes since


Fenrir is extremely good! Ive been using him a lot and winning my rank games! Thanks for the video!


Good video! Thanks for the tips. I love the idea of having a wildcard ban, especially as more operators are added to the game. It only makes sense that bans should increase, but the idea of making it flexible I think would really shape each game to have more variety.


Wildcard idea means no electricity at all. Or no nades denial at all. Or 2 hard breachers out. Dunno if it's such a great concept.


The wildcard ban is a good idea. I also think both teams should see eachothers votes on the map ban so you dont double vote 1 map


a little thing that i do with him is i put barbed wire on common entry ways or default plant and they are slowed and blinded


Thank you so much for this. My new favorite op. Only way my crusty aim can get my KD up is by making sure the attackers can't see me!


From the 1th day I love this operator and I instantly become fenryr main, if they add that glaz can see trought the fenryr smoke, i think, can be a very good thing cause he can be a very cool counter


I’m absolutely loving the second channel.


Good video, even though they change how he's played the video still helps, also what is the blue skin you use on mp7?


Thanks for this explanation, it' so helpful!


I think it if the match goes into OT, each side should get 1 additional ban (wildcard). Or perhaps in OT each team can switch 1 of their bans. -meaning an op could be “unbanned” in order to ban someone else.


I mean it does make sense tho that glaz is affected regardless, the "smoke is in your mind, and not in the environment.


Thanks for letting me help you with the video Pox. Always putting out great info


Put the mines on the ceilling is actually really good placement since gamers doesn't look up :)
