What We NEED in Star Wars Battlefront 3

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With no more support towards Battlefront 2, here are the five heroes we NEED in Star WarsBattlefront 3!
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Hearing “battlefront 3” really brings back the memories. All the hype, the YouTube videos, demos and news. If ea dice releases a battlefront 3 I would be shocked


What's interesting is how EA and DICE did plan for Ventress and Ahsoka to be added, but they cut the game before they could.


maybe Asaj Vantress would be a nice hero to ad in BF3


If they add Jin and Bo they should make it so that the Mandalorians are a faction against the empire. It would be sick to play as a Mandalorian fighting the Empire and Bo and Jin could be the hero characters. To bad Battlefront 3 got canceled


We need star killer with dark lords armor or light side equipment


We need Old Republic era characters and map plus I love how their trooper's designs from both sides


I'd love to see a cw ahsoka in battlefront 3


The problem is that it’s getting harder to think of pairs to add along with them for the dark side


add the Grand Inquisitor to the list, I think the skill/move set could be interesting


Here are my top five picks for heroes in bf3
5.plo koon- a great jedi with abilities that could be pretty cool like the electric judgement ability, manipulate the environment around him etc and voice lines could be fun with characters like obi wan, anakin, ahsoka etc
4. Mace windu- one of my fav jedi in the prequels, unique lightsaber with a unique form that would interesting to see in battlefront 3, I think abilities like shatterpoint, force crush etc would be a great idea for abilities, voice lines would be great especially the bitterness between him and anakin and also voice lines with yoda and obi wan be great too
3. Ahsoka tano- a fan fav jedi among the community, ahsoka would be a very agile hero who would great for stealth and quick attacks, abilities I can think of at the moment would be that move she does when she got captured by pre visla where she spins her lightsaber in a circle leaving her enemy headless, in battlefront 3 it would one shot all infranty and would deal a decent amount of damage to villains, voice lines would be great with anakin, obi wan, plo, yoda etc
2. Captain rex- another fan fav it would be nice to see rex in bf3, he was a great character and I could see him operating as a balanced hero with him being able to act as a team support while also being quite deadly, however this is just what I think, voice lines would be great however, this would probably only apply to anakin and ahsoka with obi wan being a possibility
1. Qui gon jinn- another jedi who is also a fan fav it would be nice to see the man who brought the chosen one into the order, he would be a bit of a powerhouse however not like anakin or mace windu ( if mace were to be a character ) with the player having to think a little more strategically about when to use his abilities. In terms of voice lines this could work with obi wan, anakin, plo ( as they were stated to be friends ) yoda, even ahsoka possibly

Hope you enjoy my list and if you want to, feel free what you would class as your top 5


Kitt Fisto!!!! That smile and a thumbs up emote.


Ventress, Cadbane, Hux, Thrawn, and someone like Poggle the Lesser would really compliment all these light-sided heroes.


Characters we absolutely need in Battlefront III
Captain Rex
Ashoka Tano
Mace Windu
Bo Katan Kryze
Din Djarin
Commander Cody
Qui-Gon Jinn


Qui gon jinn, plo koon, kit fisto, aayla secura, savage opress, ventress


Pirate Hondo Ohnaka, The Mortis Gods, Cad Bane, Bad Batch, Tusken Raiders, Baylan Skoll, Thrawn, Carra Dune, The Umbarrans, IG-11 or 88, Pong Krell, 99.


I agree with everyone you said in this video bad batch included I really liked wrecker and hunter they were cool


Tbh I want wrecker from the bad batch because his mele abilities would be insane


A good hero to add at the same time as Captain Rex would be Commander Cody for sure


Ok here’s some pairs I can think of easy

Clone Wars/ Prequels:
Ahsoka and Ventress
Padme and Savage

Mace and Jango
Rex and Cad Bane
Bo Katan and Gar Saxon
Anakin starfighter - Grievous starfighter

Kanan and Grand Inquisitor
Ezra and thrawn
Sabine and fifth brother
Hera and seventh sister
Zen and sixth brother

I think they got pretty much everyone from the OT except the minor characters which they could port from BF1 2015

D+ Shows:
Din Djarin and Moff Gideon

It’s hard to add any other characters from Disney shows as there aren’t any formidable names villains I can think of that can work.


With the direction Star Wars is going, I think if there will ever be a Battlefront 3, a New Republic/Imperial Warlord era is inevitable. This allows for Mandoverse characters like Din, Bo, Ahsoka, and possibly even Sabine who could be unique as a hero because she uses both a blaster and a lightsaber. Ahsoka and Bo Katan of course would also be playable in the Clone Wars era with their corresponding appearances.
