High Pressure Processing (HPP) - The science, the misconceptions, and the truth!

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High-Pressure Processing — HPP for short — has become a hot topic in the raw pet food industry. Let's discuss the science, the misconceptions, and the truth!
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I have been working with HPP for over 35 years and a big advocate of the technology for both food safety and Nutrition. Many good points in the video but many of the general conclusions can be misleading: There cannot be an increase increase in nutrients (67 % stated). The main reason vitamins and bioactive compounds are not affected is that covalent bonds are not affected. I - 2 degrees temperature during HPP is incorrect. Compression heating for water is 3 oC per 1000 bars (or 37 oF/14, 000 psi) - slightly higher with fats. However, this amount of heat when starting at 41 oF does not have any significant impact on microorganisms or nutrients. Digestibility of HPP foods (proteins/carbohydrates) can improve.


Thank you for pointing out this video. I really admire your passion and trust you because of it.

I do have one question and you may have answered some of it with this video....I notice that a lot of the comparisons show 'not much difference' between HPP and non-HPP...so then why HPP? Maybe the BENEFITS overall may have not been as clear, but I definitely feel better about HPP now. 😊


Can’t wait to meet Billy next month at The Green Spot in Omaha!!💜💚


Are the frozen raw patties human-grade? Please post a video on frozen raw diet patties & sliders. I would love to actually see the patties and see them being fed to your pets.


hello :) You did not mention plastic transfer into the food
