Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) [Georadar] FDTD Animation #gpr #radar

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Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) animation of a sample ground penetrating radar (GPR) in action. Basically, a transmitting antenna shoots a short electromagnetic pulse (with a central frequency of 600 MHz) into the subsurface where the relative dielectric permittivity is 4. The short pulse is reflected from the air-soil interface and then either the rectangular or circular targets embedded in the subsurface. Then, the scattered signals are recorded by the receiving antenna of the GPR unit. This constitutes a single A-scan for the GPR measurement. Collection of A-scans along a spatial range constitutes the so called B-scans. Depending on the reflectivity of the target and soil properties, the success of GPR detection varies.
For citations, please use the following paper:
M. E. Yavuz, A. E. Fouda, and F. L. Teixeira, "GPR signal enhancement using sliding-window space-frequency matrices," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 145, 1-10, 2014.
For B-scan collection animation, check:
Georradar, Георадар, 地中レーダー探査, Bodenradar, Radar à pénétration de sol, Radar penembus tanah, Georadar, Földradar, Bakkepenetrerende radar, Eerdradar, Radar de penetração no solo, رادار قياس الأرض
For citations, please use the following paper:
M. E. Yavuz, A. E. Fouda, and F. L. Teixeira, "GPR signal enhancement using sliding-window space-frequency matrices," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 145, 1-10, 2014.
For B-scan collection animation, check:
Georradar, Георадар, 地中レーダー探査, Bodenradar, Radar à pénétration de sol, Radar penembus tanah, Georadar, Földradar, Bakkepenetrerende radar, Eerdradar, Radar de penetração no solo, رادار قياس الأرض