Change of basis | Chapter 13, Essence of linear algebra
Change of Basis
Linear Algebra Example Problems - Change of Coordinates Matrix #2
Change of Variables & The Jacobian | Multi-variable Integration
Change of basis matrix | Alternate coordinate systems (bases) | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy
Change of coordinates
Linear Algebra Example Problems - Change of Coordinates Matrix #1
Change of Variables and the Jacobian
Example 1: Finding the change of coordinates matrix
Double Integral through a Change of Coordinates (the Jacobian)
Coordinates with respect to a basis | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy
Linear Algebra: Finding change-of-coordinates matrix
Lecture 13: Change of Coordinates
Change-of-Coordinates Matrix (Example)
Change of coordinates
Intro to Linear Algebra - Intro to Change of Coordinates
Changing Between Two Bases | Derivation + Example
Change of basis explained simply | Linear algebra makes sense
WildLinAlg5:Change of coordinates and determinants
Integrate via change of coordinates
Change of Coordinate System (Lecture 4.3) - Integral Calculus
Change-of-Coordinates Matrix
Example of Change of Basis
The Change-of-Coordinates Equation
Note: At the end, it should be:
-3 1
-5 2
And the answer is
I like how you went through the 'slow way' first, which sets up the motivation for the transition matrix (and also helps define it), instead of just presenting the transition matrix unmotivated.
Every time I search youtube for a linear algebra video: “I hope Dr Peyam covered this topic..”
The grade I got for my linear algebra 1 exam was not enough, so I hope that you will cover as much as possible that I can take this exam once more with a better understanding of the topics.
You are just better at explaining than my professor or their scientific assistants.
Yes I would say the same. The rref gives
- 3. 1
-5. 2
And the x goes to - 5, - 8 but otherwise a fantastic video!
I have just got a new mobile device and I am testing its resolution with your video. Math never looked so neat!
I just had one question, you defined the change of basis matrix P_ {C<--- B}, but you never defined P_B, without the arrow. Is that still a change of coordinate matrix? It looks like you understood P_B to be the matrix of basis vectors of B in column form.
This is cute, you're essential doing a change of basis to the standard basis to get the transformation matrix.
Dr peyam ive been wondering something about coordinate vectors with respect to a basis denoted the way it is.Why is the coordinates of [X] with respect to B denoted X_B shouldnt it be X^B so that the identity [Id]_B^C[X]^B makes more sense as the superscript and subscripts cancel just like how
[T]_Y^Z*[U]_X^Y=[TU]_X^Z. They messed up on the notation here.