Number 1 | Learn Numbers | How to count | Write Numbers | Pevan and Sarah

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Number 1 | Learn Numbers | How to count | Write Numbers | Pevan and Sarah

☆ GET YOUR FINGER OUT – Learn to count and write Number 1 ☆

In this video, Sarah encourages children to use their finger to write the number 1 in the air. Sarah will show you how to correctly form the number 1. Sarah will guide you to count to one, then let you try it on your own. Sarah will ask you to identify the number 1 from a bunch of different numbers. So get your finger out and use it to practise writing letters in the air and develop both fine and gross motor skills.

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Pevan & Sarah are a children’s music group from Melbourne, Australia. Pevan is a big, cuddly tiger who loves to have adventures with his dynamic sidekick, Sarah. This energetic duo star in a range of educational, safe, engaging and fun new videos including these original segments:

► “Getting Crafty” – Instructional, step by step craft for kids
► “Get Your Finger Out” – Learn to write letters, numbers & shapes
► “It’s OK to Make Mistakes” – Learn resilience and how to cope with making mistakes
► “Give it Go” – ‘How to’ videos for kids to learn to do tasks independently
► “Funny Face Time” – Learn about the parts of the face and how to recognise emotions
► “Alphabet Jam” – Learn the alphabet and the sounds that letters make

All music and creative concepts by Pevan & Sarah © 2018
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