Core Java With OCJP/SCJP: Garbage collection Part-1 || Introduction

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Рекомендации по теме

king of java, perfect, don't find words...


Durga, thank you! Your method of explaining is entertaining so it is easy to remember the concepts in the long term


I laughed so much Sir at 12:32 "Mobile is Switched off "


I think one video is not there between finalization part1 and part2 even numbering is correct but there should be one more video which should cover exception with GC.


very nice, but very lengthy series and please gives sides insted of dectetion of notes


To be fair, C++ has been moving hard towards deterministic, non-garbage collected memory management for over a decade now, but yeah, there are a lot of memory leaks (and worse) out there in existing C and C++ code for sure. Also, when running 64-bit, what will tend to happen is the process size will become absolutely enormous, and there will be a huge amount of swapping, rather than a hard cut "out-of-memory" error. Still, it is a lot of headache one leaves behind for the cozy laid-back world of garbage collection, if one doesn't take it for granted and overwork the garbage collector needlessly.
