70 Tips To Become A Better CS2 Player

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70 CS2 Tips to Improve and to rank up fast! From beginners to Pros, this guide is useful for everyone! Learn these tips and you will be playing like a CS2 Pro!

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Music: Epidemic Sound

0:00 Mirage Window Wallbang
0:12 Jump spot Timing
0:20 Mirage A Smokes From Mid
0:31 Decoy Trick
0:42 Palace Wallbang
0:47 200 IQ Fake
0:57 Market Window Smoke From Bench
1:04 Contesting Default Mirage
1:15 Mirage Ramp nadestack
1:29 Mirage Market Door Molotov
1:41 New Mirage Meta
1:56 Mirage T Pistol Nades
2:30 Dust 2 A Jump spot
2:55 Dust 2 Mid to B Smoke From Outside Tunnels
3:07 How to counter B Lurk Smoke - Dust 2
3:19 Dust2 Short Molotov Play
3:31 Vitality Dust 2 A Execute
3:41 mezii Dust2 A Cross Smoke From Outside Long
3:54 apEX Dust 2Elevator Smoke
4:05 Dust 2 Mid Boost
4:15 Dust 2 Long A Peek Smoke
4:25 Dust2 A Boost
4:35 How to push Long A CT Side Dust 2
4:43 Short Setup Smoke From Outside Long
4:55 Spirit's Mid Smoke break
5:09 Must Know Dust 2 Nades
5:24 Important Dust 2 Mid Flash for Default
5:37 Use this Dust 2 Boost
5:47 How to smoke B door on Dust 2
5:59 The EASIEST Dust 2 B Door Smoke
6:10 Switch weapons when low
6:22 Dust 2 Default Nades
6:32 Dust2 B Pixel Gap
6:44 Meta Dust 2 Smoke
7:04 Flash to Drop CT Safely
7:12 Dust 2 Duo Play
7:23 Pro Dust 2 Smokes
7:36 Best Dust 2 Nades
7:50 New Short Waterfall Smoke
8:10 Fake Defensive utility
8:19 Easy banana retake flash
8:28 Crazy Boost for Car Nade
8:43 ZywOo Banana Peek
8:51 Essential Inferno Flashes
9:05 Easy Inferno Library Smoke
9:12 Must know utility for inferno
9:21 Cool Flash to Swing CT
9:27 Meta inferno smoke
9:36 Insane Inferno Truck Position
9:52 Unstoppable Banana Position
9:59 Inferno Duo Play
10:16 Inferno Wrap Smoke from Mid
10:32 Pro Inferno Bracket Smoke
10:40 New Meta Vertigo Smoke
10:58 Useful Elevator Smoke
11:09 How to play A on Vertigo like the Pros
11:22 Vertigo B Rush Smokes
11:39 Smart Duo Play
11:51 Pro Vertigo Nades
12:02 Copy this Vertigo Smoke
12:13 See Over the Wall B Site Ancient
12:21 Ancient Cave Trick Play
12:38 Counter Donut smoke
12:47 Instant Ancient Cheetah Smoke
12:54 B Lobby Crouch Tip
13:06 Stop B Rush with 1 Flash
13:17 How to stop Heaven aggression
13:37 Ancient B Tip
13:41 New Ancient B Lurk smoke
13:54 Ancient Broky Molotov
14:20 Smoke as Flash Tip
14:31 Good Smoke to get down vents on Nuke
14:41 Genius Nuke Trick
14:52 Tip to clear backsite Nuke
14:58 Clear Anubis Mid Door with this wallbang
15:13 How to be proactive on Anubis CT Side
15:23 Clever decoy tip
15:35 Fake Anubis Nades
15:46 Save weapon play
15:56 meta anubis nades
16:15 Crazy Triple Boost

Tags: cs2 tips, cs2 pro tips, pro cs2 tips, best cs2 tips, new cs2 tips

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1:45 Sick shoutout to the Brazilian community
We love you Nart <3


I just started cs2 and I have no idea what you are talking about :*(


i'm going to practice all these tips ritght now :)


all those boosts are cool, but it isnt working in my game(((
every time 100/100 i get a bag where i levitate while boosting and the spray accurasy is worse than on noclip


I gained so much ELO and rank after watching this video, thanks 👍👍👍


Best tip is don’t play the game. If your good you will play against hackers every other game


I wanted to throw out some input for everyone. No one asked, but here we go. So ive been playing for about a year and a half now. Got my PC in April of 2023. I have put about 1200 hours into the game within that time. No, i am by no means the best, or even great for that matter. But im not dog shit. I dont just run around not knowing what to do. I plan every round. I put practice in on aim trainer maps, pre fire maps, etc. I was around 7k on premier, and rated at close to 20k on leetify (i know, doesnt really matter). But anyways, aside from teammates being a huge issue with my rank, cheaters are also a problem, even in low level lobbies. Even on competitive. I got pushed back down from high GN, back to SE, SEM, and GN1 on comp maps. If they arent cheating, theyre smurfing. High level players have started smurfing, so they dont have to play against cheaters in high level lobbies. Now, silver cheaters are still beatable, because they're idiots, and cant actually play the game at all. But it is still a problem. People say theyre not in silver lobbies, but they are. An abundant amount of them. Ive played in 15k+ lobbies on a friend's account. I do SO much better, having teammates that arent absolute morons. But again, cheaters. I love this game. This game is the entire reason i got a pc to begin with. JUST to play CSGO, before cs2 came out. And I've played CS2 since the second wave of beta access. There are also SO many issues with thr game itself as well. Shots not registering when you can even watch the blood splatter come from the player model, shots hitting that absolutely shouldnt, sound queues fuck up occasionally, all kind of shit. I commend those who achieved such a high rank, without cheating. I would assume a LOT of them at least stack, instead of solo queue. Butsome people donot solo queueing too. I don't see how you do it. I know i need to swap out a few teammates for sure. But other than that, theres not much i can do about things i cant change. Its unfortunate how fucked cs can be. And how little valve cares about the cheating problem. Im aure many of you will tell me im wrong about all of this, and that i just suck. Which, very well may be. But i can show you demo after demo of cheaters that are only silver 2-3. In competitive. I dont even wamna talk about premier dude. I atopped playing at 6.5k, after I went way back down from where i was. But i can assure you, its obvious when someone who can't play the game is cheating. And they are in fact everywhere. It may mot be AS bad, because not AS many low level players cheat. But there's still at least one in roughly 6/10 games.


