Cops, what's the most fake sounding excuse that turned out to be true?

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i have never related to someone as closely as the dude raging over the ikea furniture


Not a cop but the most fake sounding reason I have ever given is " My 3 year old is dying in the back seat and my gas tank is on E EMPTY I hit as fast as I could in case I had to coast.... "He saw my kid saw my gas tank appologized hit his lights and I followed him at an even faster speed than before to the hospital and he made sure my kid was seen instantly. When I came out of the hospital I had a full tank of gas and no cops to be seen he just disappeared into the night like BATMAN.


I'm sorry, but i would rather have a neighbor call the cops, thinking I'm being beat, than have them ignore it when it's real.


"it wasn't on it, it was in it." bro im going to have nightmares about that


Fun fact. A friend of mine was having a very VERBAL, loud fight. His Alexa called the cops. Yes, this is what you’ve invited into your home. It can’t distinguish between violence and volume. The two people involved were treated by the cops as dangerous criminals for about an hour


For those that don't know the normal BGL (blood glucose level) is 80-120, so the driver's BGL being @ 40 is not great and needs immediate medical attention.


Knew a guy named "K-Von" that got picked up once for shoplifting, was asked his name, and he told them, "K-von. It sounds like Kayvon, but there's a hyphen between the K and the Von." He didn't have an ID or anything, so the cops thought he was bullshitting, he ends up with a court date, and he shows up. Judge calls out "Kayvon? K-A-Y-V-O-N?" He says "That's not my name, your honor." He brought his birth certificate with him to court that day, so he takes it up to the judge, she looks at it for a bit, and she says, "So it isn't. You're free to go." I bet those cops that grabbed him were fucking LIVID.


My mom tells the story of when I was about a year old and threw up in the car. Apparently it smelled particularly disgusting because she was flooring it to get home and got lit up by a county cop. When he came to her window, she started begging him to write the ticket as fast as possible. He got a sniff, started gagging, saw me covered in vomit, and just waved her to go on.


I was once busted for shoplifting and I had a vial of rock salt in my backpack for use with watercolors. Yeah, that was hard to explain.


I thought the fire truck was gonna pull em over for the U turn, it only makes sense that a fire truck would pull you over for actively being on fire I suppose


Related to the point of diabetes mimicking being drunk, autism and adhd can also mimic stimulant use. I'm very glad that can go on IDs now! (I've definitely had cops think I'm on stimulants before, but nope, that's just my default setting, lol)


Mannn, that last one hit me hard. My ex was incredibly abusive. Im not huge, a little over average height, but very atheltic physique, with a lot of martial art under my belt. She was a tiny little thing. Couldnt reeeaaalllly hurt me no matter how much she tried. This meant that she never felt the need to hold back, and I never did anything because I knew id really hurt her if I did anything. So I kinda just brushed all the abuse under the rug. It wasnt until she flipped out in front of friends and I had to physically hold her arms above her head to stop her hitting me (even then she was kicking me and trying to bite me) then the friends pointed out that she was abusive, and it clicked. I hadnt realised I was in an abusive relationship. It just hadnt occured. Years of abuse and i just sorta, accepted it. Weird how that can happen...


From a friend: He got pulled over and the officer's dog smelled marijuana on him, not legal in our state currently. The friend said that it's just how he smells. (Not entirely sure how he worded it, since he told me about it months ago now.) The officer gets a sample and checks with the dog, and confirmed. He was able to go on his way following that without issue.


When we were first dating my husband got a call from my parents regarding a Life alert alarm on me. He rushed over to my house in a panic, forgetting his ID and my alarm codes in the process. After setting it off and realizing the alert was false, a cop showed up to my house with her gun drawn. He babbled to her about what happened, pointing to pictures of us to prove who he was. Fortunately she believed him and it's now a funny story we still talk about years later.


Once I drove through the mountains, 2 hours to my dad's place, wondering why I felt so bad. Turns out my blood glucose was clocked at 32. And I'm not a diabetic. He freaked the F out. I could have simply driven off into a ravine, and not found for a long time, if ever...That sort of stuff is very scary, and I hope police departments are aware that not everything is as it seems.


A friend of mine got pulled for driving at 70 in a 30 zone, he said he was driving his dad who was having a hart attack to the hospital, the police didn't believe him at first because why didn't he call an ambulance? but 999 operator has told him because of reductions in staff (it was covid lock-down) he would be better to drive to the hospital himself, then the police gave him an escort right into the ambulance entrance at A&E, turns out his dad had torn a muscle in his chest and it wasn't even a hart attack, and he didn't get a ticket so all was good :) the police man turned up randomly at his house two weeks later to find out if him and his dad were doing OK


GOD I hate hearing about people using ashes of animals or relatives, or just disrespecting them in anyway. It really pisses me off


That Dutch term would likely be the "Marechaussee" (actually a French term). It derives from the word "maarschalkerie", which in term refers to the military rank of "maarschalk" (marshall). The Marechaussee are a gendarmerie (a part of the military tasked with law enforcement amon the civilian population). The pronunciation is a bit like Ma - ray - show - say.


Something you learn with someone with diabetes is that if they ever have a fruity breath, test their levels. It’s a good thing to take into account for literally anyone.


I had an insane situation where i ended up essentially drifting infront of a cop at 2 am...
My car had an expired registration and inspection, plus my license had expired. I fully expected to have the book thrown at me, but I had a new set of tires in the backseat which i needed to get installed to pass inspection, which was also needed to re-register. I also had the printed "license" they give you when renewing your license. And the excuse for all this at 2am? We were out watching the meteor shower, which was true.
Cop listened to my whole story, looked everything over, and just said "alright get home safe" and that was that.
