C++Now 2017: Louis Dionne 'Fun with Boost.Hana'
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Have you heard of metaprogramming? Have you heard it was an ugly beast that was difficult to tame and do anything useful with? Yeah, so have I.
In this session, we'll see how we can use Hana, a modern metaprogramming library, to solve problems with a high concentration of metaprogramming in a very elegant way. We'll do this by looking at real-world use cases like an event-triggering system and a type erasure library. For each use case, we'll dive deep into the implementation to really understand how it works under the hood. The result will be a deeper understanding of modern metaprogramming techniques, and a better understanding of how to leverage metaprogramming to define expressive interfaces, automate repetitive tasks and increase code maintainability.
This session is meant for people with some familiarity with the Boost.Hana library that would like to see it used in serious use cases and deepen their understanding of the library's interaction with the C++ type system.
Louis is a math and computer science enthusiast with interest in C++ (meta)programming, functional programming, domain specific languages and related subjects. He is an active member of the Boost community, and authored the Boost.Hana metaprogramming library.
Have you heard of metaprogramming? Have you heard it was an ugly beast that was difficult to tame and do anything useful with? Yeah, so have I.
In this session, we'll see how we can use Hana, a modern metaprogramming library, to solve problems with a high concentration of metaprogramming in a very elegant way. We'll do this by looking at real-world use cases like an event-triggering system and a type erasure library. For each use case, we'll dive deep into the implementation to really understand how it works under the hood. The result will be a deeper understanding of modern metaprogramming techniques, and a better understanding of how to leverage metaprogramming to define expressive interfaces, automate repetitive tasks and increase code maintainability.
This session is meant for people with some familiarity with the Boost.Hana library that would like to see it used in serious use cases and deepen their understanding of the library's interaction with the C++ type system.
Louis is a math and computer science enthusiast with interest in C++ (meta)programming, functional programming, domain specific languages and related subjects. He is an active member of the Boost community, and authored the Boost.Hana metaprogramming library.