Do Americans Like The Dutch? / Diary of An American living in The Netherlands

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Do Americans Like The Dutch and Living in the Netherlands? / An American living in The Netherlands

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Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about why Americans love the dutch and Living in the Netherlands. I spoken to a lot of Americans throughout my time here and have to say that there are a lot of things Americans love about the Dutch.


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Here Are The Summer Culture Shocks in the netherlands Amsterdam
Wanna Jump Ahead:
Intro: 00:00
Americans love the netherlands for the option Not to HAVE to drive: 00:33
Americans love the Dutch for building things Tall: 01:39
The Netherlands has better Water: 02:39
Americans love the netherlands for Opportunities to take risk: 04:07
American love the netherlands and dutch for not keeping up with the jones's: 07:12
The Dutch Work very Hard and enjoy nice things! 09:36
The Dutch Look Good and Take care of Themselves: 10:32

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happy Monday! Hope you guys are well. I have to ask, do you try to Keep up with the Jones’s?


If you live in Haarlem your tap water is probably coming from the dune area west and north of Castricum maintained by the water company. Go visit and bike that area and you’ll see what the water is like where it is processed. Crystal clear before it will be filtered naturally for quite some time by the sand in that area before it gets used for drinking water out of the tap.


Love your video’s! We have friends living in LA. Visited them in April. They go to the gym a few times a week. And then they stay inside, hiding for the sun. We don’t go to the gym but work in our garden. Bike to the grocery store and walk with our dogs. Its just that. Buy a bike, talk to your neighbors and friends and drink a good cup of coffee!


The health and vitality thing is definitely due to the overall lifestyle. Walking, cycling, popping into the supermarket on the way home, some form of proper, structured exercise like gym, tennis, football, yoga, etc. Eating decent food. All these things are normal to Dutchies, and begets a decent self care regimen too. Its a total package.
Edit: grammar


The nurse that comes to your house to help with a newly-born is called "kraamzorg", which would translate into English as "maternity care"


My father used to work for PWN with his own project management office in the company. So I have been to most water purification sites in North Holland.

Austria, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom are tied for the top spot, boasting the cleanest water in the world.

The reason the Netherlands has such clean drinking water is mainly because of advanced technology.

Netherlands was one of the first countries to use UV lights to clean drinking water. I have been to the Andijk inlet, where they have huge UV installations to get the smallest particals out of the water. Including residue of medicines.

Another technique used very early in the Netherlands is reversed osmosis. There is a plant in Heemskerk that cleand the water this way for North Holland. (Except Amsterdam because they have their own water provider)

Near Haarlem there are the Kennemerduinen where water is purified by nature first before the other steps are done. Amsterdam has the AWD (Amsterdam Water Dunes) near Zandvoort that does the same. Both nice areas to take a walk in.

The Hague and surroundings also use the Dunes as the first step, and the rest of the country mainly uses ground water.

I feel the fact we have very strong laws regarding water quality has made us be in the top 5 worldwide.


Like a real dutchie laughing when it starts to rain when you go out LOL. I love the things you point out what is normal to me


You are correct about the water. I am a retired soldier living in Europe and come to Haarlem about three times a year. There is no other country in Europe I drink tap water. All of the things you say about the people looking fit is also what I noticed. I suppose it's because people are walking or biking and not driving everywhere they go. I always come to Haarlem for my stays. I have been to a lot of cities in Europe and Haarlem is the only one that I keep returning to.😊


You are a great guy...! Thank you for making me appreciate my country...


In the netherlands a flex would be: "look at these shoes i buy, i only paid 5 euro for it at the fleemarket!"


Hey Sky, about us looking good and thoughts is that it is all the little things added up that you have mentioned in your videos; the good quality water (drinking water that has a smell and tastes like chlorine is NOT healthy), the quality of the food, not having to keep up with the Jones´, work/social/relaxing time in good proportions, biking, walking, being outside a lot, etc. It´s the lifestyle! Of course we have our stressors, but I think it is not comparible to the US. Just my opinion! The plumber and health care worker (kraamverzorgster) looking like models was hilarious! I think they are not representative of the sector as a whole 🤣🤣🤣Lots of plumbers with beer bellies and healtcare workers looking like nurse Ratched!😂


In the Netherlands we don't give a f#ck about status if my neighbor has a newer more expensive car than i have. Good for him but if he is a asshole he is just an asshole in an expensive car, we judge a person from who he is not what he owns


i love your videos it is clear what you are talking about. my wife lives in virginia and is coming to the netherlands next month. i send her all your videos and so she gets to know my country and especially haarlem. that is where you are the most thanks for it


As a Dutchie, I never owned a car in my life. But I've had my driver's license for about 15 years now.
Never needed a car, never wanted a car...


The work/life balance is the most important thing to be happy. Less stress is healthier.


Love seeing you walk around Haarlem, seeing all these familiar places😊 Also, I know what you try to say with the healthy look, and I think the work (the hours, rules about shifts, breaks etc) but also the activities outside (cycling, hobbies) as well as food regulations (we have a lot less crap in our food and we have so much choice! Even things like vegetarian or vegan) contribute to that. You see it not only with people's shape or tired looks, but also their skin, hair, shine in their eyes etc. Also, your plumber might actually be a model on the side ;) We have time for hobbies here. And they can include modelling 😊 (These would be interesting things to discuss if I ever bump into you in Haarlem).


Just love your videos! So funny about the plumber that looked like a model. People do probably look well rested because the Dutch get the most amount of sleep in the world! Not kidding: average of 8 hours and 5. minutes.


I've been enjoying your videos since a good week. Keep up the good work!


Like always I enjoyed your video! Where looks are concerned; with all the walking that you do in your videos you must be a lot healthier and more fit than you were in the States!


I was born in Haarlem and baptized in that church, which are now apartments, keep on making your videos Sky, I really enjoyed them, by the way I am an expat living in Melbourne - Australia for the last 50 years, what I like about you, is that you are a talker like myself and that makes your videos really entertaining, greetings Gerard Melbourne.
