Surgical Instruments Used In Obstetrics & Gynecology With Pictures |Basic Surgical Instruments

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Cusco’s bivalve speculum is used to visualize the vagina and cervix during pelvic examination.
Sim’s speculum is used for both surgical and non-surgical procedures.
It is used to retract the anterior and posterior vaginal wall during gynecological surgery.
In addition, it can be used to examine uterovaginal prolapses.
Episiotomy scissors are used to put the episiotomy during vaginal delivery.
Here is a picture of an episiotomy.
Cord scissor, is used to cut the umbilical cord after the delivery of the baby.
Uterine sound, is used to assess the length and direction of the uterus during gynecological procedures, such as insertion of an intra-uterine device.
Myoma screw is used to hold the uterus during gynecological surgeries, such as abdominal and laparoscopic hysterectomy, and myomectomy.
Doyen’s retractor is mainly used in abdominal gynecological and obstetric surgeries to hold back the abdominal incision.
It is also used in cesarean sections.
Uterine curette has several uses.
It is used to perform uterine curettage and obtain endometrial samples.
In addition, it is used to remove adherent tissue during evacuation of retained products of conception after miscarriage.
And to break intra-uterine adhesions during hysteroscopy.
Leech Wilkinson cannula is used during hystero-salpingogram to inject the dye.
Suction curette is used to remove retained products of conception after miscarriage, and to perform termination of pregnancy.
Pipelle curette is used to obtain endometrial samples.
Ayer’s spatula is used to obtain cervical smears for pap test.
Cervical brush has the same use as the Ayer’s spatula.
Hegar’s dilators are used to dilate the cervical canal during dilation and curettage procedures.
Green Armitage forceps have several uses.
They are used to hold the pregnant cervix when inspecting for tears after delivery and during cervical cerclage insertion.
They are also used to hold the flaps of uterus and to control bleeding from uterine sinuses during cesarean section.
Vulsellum forceps are used to hold the uterus during hysterectomy for non-malignant conditions.
To hold the cervix during intra-uterine device insertion, Pipelle aspiration, and when performing a hystero-salpingogram.
In addition, it is used to hold the cervix during evacuation of retained products of conception in the first trimester.
Then we have instruments used during instrumental delivery.
Simpson’s forceps are used in prolonged labor or fetal distress, or maternal distress during the second stage of labor in the presence of an occipito-anterior position, or mento-anterior face presentation.
It is also used for the delivery of the aftercoming head of the fetus in breech presentation.
Wrigley’s forceps are used for lift out forceps deliveries when the head is 2-centimeters below the ischial spines, and to deliver the fetal head during cesarean section.
Finally, Kielland’s forceps are used to rotate and deliver the head in occipito-posterior and occipito-transverse positions, and to deliver the aftercoming head of breech presentation.

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