Angie's List and other online rating services | Consumer Reports

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I used Angie's going back to when the real Angie started it. They are no longer that Angie's and I would not trust their recommendations. Once Home Advisor took it over they try to steer you to their approved (paid) contractors. Contractors that I had used and reviewed on their sight were no longer there. Some were 5-star quality contractors who I would guess refused to pay Home Advisor/Angie's fee. I don't know where homeowners can communicate to each other about good and bad contractors. Definitely not Angie's List.


I learned something about Angies List recently. If you post a negative review of a business that's never been reviewed, they will not display a Grade or a Review Count when a search brings up that business. The interested consumer(s) sees 0 Reviews and no Grade. Guess what happens then? The person doing a search on the business you wrote a review on ends out of that search. What is the likelyhood they would then click on that company if they first see no Grade and 0 Reviews?
I spent a week trying to get them to resolve this and was repeatedly told that my review had to go thru a check since it was a company unknown to them. I finally got an honest answer from one of their employees on 6/18/15. She basically said that Angies Lists likes to see some positive reviews first before they'll post any negative reviews? If the company is providing terrible service they're not likely to ever get a good review? Duh? Good or bad, you've paid a membership fee and unlike Google, you may have to stand up to the seller if they take issue with your review.
Google -> Angies List reviews. You'll see hits on -> - where Angies List received bad financial reviews and countless other reports that jive with the comments here. In spite of fleecing consumers and sellers, they have been operating in the red for the past 5 yrs.
Cancel your Angies List subscription. Because of the way they operate, you have no way of knowing if a seller is actually a legitimate provider.


Angi's list got a few crooks as contractors too! Overcharging and inflating prices with imaginary or even real issues.


So you've interviewed one person that had an experience with one listing service, and that's "unbiased advice?"


After asking a simple question, my wife has been inundated with phone calls from contractors about the job she question. One link is all it takes. You are now part OF this list without ever asking to join. Angies list is a contact seller and scam artist, and should NEVER be contacted.


I loved how, when I used HomeAdvisor to find a contractor, then eventually left a review, I first needed a special link they sent me to leave a review, then actually got a phone call from them afterward (and before it was posted) to confirm that it was really me who wrote it--apparently that's their standard practice. I now have zero doubt that all the reviews there are genuine! :)


This is why I prefer Yelp.

Not perfect. Flawed. But clearly better than the rest.

Just over a year ago, I left a poor review for a certain computer sales online shop. Mine was the 3rd of three single-star reviews. (The lowest rating one can give to a business.) Being a rather obscure company that sells computers and related items, that's rather telling. Had I known about Yelp before placing my order, I would have shopped elsewhere and perhaps not been flagrantly cheated out of my money.


Angie's List was a poor choice by me. They do not allow you to look at reviews outside your zip code! Not only that, the reviews were few and far between. I was not happy and discontinued it.


Lol Angies
List SOLD OUT to home adviser garbage sevive
Magic …
