Toe Raises - Ask Doctor Jo

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To perform toe raises:

1. Standing next to something sturdy for balance, stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.
2. Pull your toes up towards the ceiling shifting your weight to your heels, but try not to lean back or stick your buttocks out.



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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Toe Raises:

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Hi! I did this exercise to strengthen my ankles/feet and I had a sudden terrible pain on the inside of one of my knees, and afterwards it persisted, it happened yesterday and I still cannot put my weight on my right leg - basically I cannot walk because when I straighten my right leg and out my weight on it to walk it hurts terribly (only when the knee is fully extended, but I cannot avoid it when I walk). Any idea what happened? I'm not saying it's the exercise's fault, maybe it's my knee that has a problem, but can I do something to fix it now? I'm pretty desperate! Some muscle I can stretch? I don't know what happens when you do a toe raise or when you walk on your heels with your toes raised.
I subscribed, since you said we should mention it :)


Can this help with fallen arches or weak ankle mobility


Does this work your shin muscle? Sorry no idea what its called?
