P-3/Newton Talking to Blesna part 5 #atomicheart #атомноесердце

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Oh looks like this nice guy has peaceful intentions look how cheery he is did we set him free
Don't feel sorry for the gingerbread man throw them at that demon spawn
I definitely spoke too soon hit him sergey don't stop
He's in no mood to be friends
I haven't seen anything like that before what does he want from us
Look at that thing
It's a shame he's not in the mood to chat he's pretty badass
It's generally peaceful in limbo it's not like anyones trying to ruffle feathers finish him already
Sometimes limbo surprises even me and I've seen a lot
Shit I'm actually sweating and on top of that M. A. S. S. T. C. H. S....
You're dead buddy you're going to regret that
I'll blow your chocolate eggs off completely
One more sprint honey
Apple pie it'll be
It's not so bad it should be even faster

Atomic Heart Trapped in limbo dlc

P-3 and blesna meet again
Sergei and wife meet again
Sergei and katya reunion
ekaterina Nechaev
All dialogue

Ekaterina Nechayeva or simply Katya, is a character mentioned in Atomic Heart. She is the late wife of Sergey Nechaev.

All the times P-3 Says Crispy Critters
Crispy critters
Freaking Critters
Creeping Critters
Am I going to turn into a Crispy Critter
Do what does matter you Crispy ass Critter
Freaking fucking critters
The reason why P-3 loves saying Crispy Critters
The reason P-3 Says Crispy Critters
P-3 beefing with rafik
P-3 banter with rafik in train station
Atomic Heart 2023 - funny moment
Atomic Heart is an FPS set in an alternative futuristic Soviet Union
Major Sergey Alekseyevich Nechayev, better known by his code name "P-3", is the protagonist of Atomic Heart
ATOMIC HEART Russian train ticket inspector rafik and ticket
Рафик-машинист душнит _ Atomic Heart _ Карапуля #4
Rafik Train Station Full Conversation Atomic Heart
Atomic Heart | Find A Train Ticket
Atomic Heart 2023 - funny moment with rafik and ticket
As part of the mission "Morning Express" you will need to get on the train
Atomic Heart is an FPS set in an alternative futuristic Soviet Union
Finding a train ticket will be one of your next objectives upon setting foot on Lesnaya Station, that and resisting the urge to shoot Rafik for giving you lip. Sadly you can’t do the latter as that will permanently disable the train
#gaming #atomicheart #gameplay #funny
#atomicheart #атомноесердце #robot
Game - Atomic Heart
#atomicheart #атомноесердце #原子心 #atomaresherz #原子の心 #atomicheartcampaign #atomicheartclips #clips #xbox #xboxone #xboxseriesx, #ps4 #ps5 #playstation #mundfish #focusentertainment #rafik #trainticket #train #robot #excellent #crispycritters
Atomic Heart 2023 - funny moment with rafik and ticket
PC Atomic Heart walkthrough includes a Full Gameplay Review, Story Missions, Single Player Story Line for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. This is Atomic Heart Full Game on PC in Ultra Settings. This playlist will include PC Gameplay, Robot Twins, All Endings, Bosses, Monsters, Mutants, Reaction, Main Missions, Side Missions, Cinematics, Funny Scenes, Cut Scenes, OST, Story Missions and all Single Player Campaign Missions and the Ending. Atomic Heart is a FPS action role-playing video game developed by Mundfish and published by Focus Entertainment and 4Divinity. The main protagonist is named Major Sergei Nechaev, nicknamed P-3. Atomic Heart is a closed world action-adventure role-playing game set in the alternate Soviet Union of 1955 at Facility 3826. Science, equality and fraternity are the main symbols of Freedom in this reality. But what kind of effort does it take to build an ideal society? And what is the price of such a society? #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #train #atomicheart
Atomic Heart - Morning Express: Go Up To Train Platform: Talk To Rafik (VDNA, A Ticket?) Gameplay
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