Bullion Dealer on How to PROTECT YOUR STACK

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In this video I talk to a bullion dealer about protecting your silver and gold stack. If you are stacking silver or gold then you need to make sure that your stack is safe and not able to be stolen from you. What are some silver stacking tips on protecting your silver stack? The first thing is to not tell anyone about your silver and gold. Secondly this bullion dealer recommends a TL30x6 UL Rated safe. He also recommends an alarm system for the safe. It is important that the alarm system has a battery backup as well. Alarm systems and cameras are important for protecting your precious metals as well as large dogs and other deterrents. They also recommend putting your stack in different locations and keeping it out of the bank if at all possible. If the bank does not allow you to have access to your wealth in an emergency then this is a problem. More Harry's Coin Shop videos below:

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Topics I cover in this video: bullion dealer, silver safe, gold safe, protect silver, protect gold, best silver safe, best gold safe, how to safely store silver, where to store silver, where to hide silver, where to keep silver, silver stacking storage, should I buy a safe for my silver, silver coin safe, silver bar safe, silver safe, silver storing, properly storing silver, how to store silver, storing silver, how to store silver properly, how to store my silver bullion, silver stacking tips, silver stacking mistakes, silver investing, investing in silver, silver investment, how to protect my silver investment, best safe for silver stacking, silver, silver coins, silver bars

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The best two pieces of advice from this video.

1. Tell no one about your stack.
2. If you do have a safe, don't have it in plain sight.


I didn't hear bolting the safe down.


I like this topic ~ and I agree with Richard. NO ONE in my family has any notion that I've been stacking. None of them are interested, nor have they even heard of silver stacking.


Hey guys, listen…….find a loose floorboard, double up a floor joist or rafter and hollow out the added piece and attach with magnets, pull off baseboard trim and cut bottom of drywall just shy of height of trim, again attach the trim with magnets and keep your stuff on the bottom plate of wall, etc, etc…..and leave a cheap safe with a couple pieces of silver and a couple hundred dollars in it……let em think they got your stash and know you mastered misdirection like a magician 😜


Buying a SAFE would cost me more than the amount of Silver i own!! 😅😅😅


I think a clever hiding place is better than most safes. That, and not telling anyone.


I store my wealth in Lego blocks. They keep their value pretty well and I can leave them all over the floor.


Have multiple levels of security. Alarms are a good start but nothing beats a large dogs bark.


The US replacing Russia as Europe’s major supplier of oil & gas is a huge geopolitical shift, further deepening the overall importance of the transatlantic system.


The biggest drawback of a safe is that it is a huge target. It does depend upon where you live, the layout of your home, etc..., but I honestly think that in a lot of cases, a good safe isn't the answer. It is possible to hide your stack in all sorts of ways. Obviously, hiding means really hiding, so the portion of your stack that you hide shouldn't be a portion that you are going to need to get into or look at very often. If you were to bury 500 ounces more than 12 inches under the ground in your back yard, you're not going to want to go through all of the trouble of burying that 500 ounces if you're going to have to dig it back up within a year to two. So if you're going to truly hide portions of your stack, be sure that they can stay in a hidden position for 5 to 10 years. Secondly, there are a variety of ways that you can hide your stack in plain sight. Often, people build secret compartments in or on their cabinets. I've seen people shorten drawers to leave dead space behind the draw for tubes of Silver & Gold. I've seen compartments built on the inside and underside of couches that are essentially wooden boxes tightly packed with tubes of Silver & Gold. Yeah, you have to turn your couch on its back to get to your Silver & Gold, but when you can keep 300 to 500 ounces of Silver screwed to the inside of your couch at each end, it can be more than worth the small effort of having to man-handle your couch a bit. If you have a screened-in porch where you can keep larger planters, you can always store some of your metals in there. Is it possible that thieves would knock over all of your plants and dig through the dirt looking for valuables? Yes, but how likely is it? Probably not very. One of the best things you can do is to keep both Silver and clad Ike dollars, 40% Silver halves, War Nickels, old British and Canadian 50% Silver coins, as well as Silver fakes and Gold fakes. You dress those up in flips and in a few coin tubes, and label them however you like. Those are the kinds of things that you leave out on a desk. If your wife likes jewelry, then you should buy a nice jewelry box, and fill it with mostly costume jewelry and a few low-cost real pieces of jewelry. So maybe a sterling Silver ring with a lab made Sapphire stone that might sell for $95 to $125, but is really only worth maybe $5 to $15 at the most. When the thief steals from you, he's not getting your valuables, but because he's getting something of value, he at least thinks he's getting your valuables. Granted, turning in a tube of Ike Dollars with only a few of them being Silver or a tube of 40% Kennedy halves won't be a lot of money, but it will likely be worth enough to make the thief think he was successful. Obviously, your real stack and your real jewelry are somewhere else entirely. I used to know a person who kept all of your real jewelry in the kitchen. She had a little wooden box that housed all of her various tea bags that she used to make tea with. Well, there was a 2 inch space from the bottom of that box that had little wooden braces glued on the insides at the 2 inch mark, and then a nice hard white piece of cardboard was cut to fit with just a little finger hole on one side to help lift it out, and her teabags fit perfectly on top of the cardboard. Underneath the cardboard in that two inch deep space below were rings, necklaces, etc... worth tens of thousands of dollars. Do you really think that a thief will think to pull your teabags out from the back of your cupboard and look into the bottom of that little 5X5X7 inch box? Probably not. And the point is that safes can be a good choice, depending upon your circumstances, but they are not always a good choice or even the best choice. Sometimes, clever hides and even hiding them in plain sight can be a better option. I once knew someone who took and ordinary large mason jar, and he filled the bottom inch of it with a variety of beautiful colored marbles. Then he set a full tube of Gold Buffalos right in the center. Then he carefully dropped more beautiful colored marbles on every side until he had it filled. He then tightly screwed on the lid, which had 8 to 12 holes drilled into the top. His wife decorated the neck of the jar with pretty lace and ribbons, and the stuck fake flowers through the holes in the top with their stems secured in the marbles within the jar. When you picked up the heavy jar, you thought it was the heavy weight of the marbles that you felt, and you literally couldn't even see the tube of Gold coins inside the jar. He glued some tiny wooden pieces into a square that perfectly fit the jar and matched the wooden surface of his end table, and he had a nice little decoration with $40, 000+ inside of it. Is it possible a thief would take or knock that over and discover the reality within? Yes, but how probable is it? Again, the possibilities of what you can do to keep things hidden is pretty much endless. I even saw a guy use 8 tubes of Silver to build a door stop. He took two groups of 4 white rectangular ASE coin tubes and stacked them together. He basically wrapped them tightly in copy paper from his printer. Then he wrapped then tightly in saran or plastic wrap and wrapped them tightly again in copy/printer paper. Then he wrapped that in box tape, and then wrapped it in 2 layers of duct tape. Once he had the two layers of duct tape on, he started putting the brick into an old sock. Once he had it in there, he'd make sure it was tight, and he'd tie it off or cut it off and start on another sock. I can't remember how many socks he used, other than it was between 5 to 7 socks. But by the time he was done, he had a large, super heavy, somewhat soft door stop that he could either use for the front screen door or for the door to the basement. It was just sitting there out of the way or being used as a door stop, and no one had any idea there was $4, 000 to $4, 500 sitting there on the floor. I hope that helps someone. Safes can be good options, but they are expensive, and they are immediate targets. If you use clever hides and diversionary tactics, 9 times out of 10, you will fare better than if you put everything into a safe.


A big NO to safes. They hold a gun to your wife's head and say open it? Ya, you're going to open it. I have some in my hidden safe but more I keep nearly all of it off site. Never in a bank. Use your imagination and tell NO ONE except a spouse or one family member. My home safe, even if you find it, is a distraction.


Put a camera in your house connected to your phone. So you know when someone is in your house


A Harry's Coin Shop video is always top notch, but I see Harry's is next door to a pie shop, so I think next priority has to be a pie shop video...


With copytrading, you could be sipping coffee on a balcony overlooking a bustling city skyline or lounging on a pristine beach, all while your investments work for you. Picture the freedom to pursue your passions, travel the world, and create lasting memories with your loved ones, all because you took the initiative to harness the power of copytrading and build the life you've always dreamed of.


Agree. Very likely we r headed for a decade long bear market in all western assets. It will be a period of geopolitical n currency changes. Within US this is the chance to do the long-needed economic n social n government reforms. If we succeed, US will be on a long-term sustainable growth path in a decade. But we must take the pain 1st n do the adjustments. From investing pov, sell all US, european equities n bonds. Go long Gold and Crypto. Go long emerging market I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Adriana Jensen whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.


I say this as a gun owner: people planning to crack a safe will study their target, enter when they know you won't be home for a long time and be gone with a big gap between when they leave and you return. Owning 2A things isn't necessarily bad or good, but having a stock pile of them to protect your stock pile of metal is excessive.

Guns are more affordable than high security, sure. But they are also the least likely part of your security system to be helpful. After to have 1 gun, start saving up for that nice safe, and buy those cameras and alarms. Deterrence is a lot more effective (and safe for you and your family) than conflict.


A safe in a safe too. Most intrusions are a small opening and can reach in and grab. Also have a decoy safe.


Having been an executor for four estates, all four of them with varying degrees of dementia, DO NOT hide your valuables, e.g bury, hidden voids within the home or garage, in clothing pockets, fake food cans, etc. It will probably not be found, or be given away for pennies in a garage sale. Whoever you have identified in your will/trust as the executor/representative, make sure they know where you keep your high end stuff. No one else should know. Just keep quiet. Got a heavy fire rated table height safe? It should not be readily visible. At a minimum get a few camera's that auto alert and provide a video feed to you. Two storage locations are another option. Enough at the house to get you through 30 days of crazy and the rest offsite at a safe deposit box. Just some thoughts from the cheap seats. Peace!


You guys are absolutely the BEST !! You always give such great advice. Just FYI TL30 and TL15 safes are extremely heavy though and you may need to place them in a basement or a solid concrete surface. A "Monitored" Home Alarm System is also a great idea. Thank you.


One thing I have noticed abroad that we don't usually do in the US is install iron doors and bars on the windows.