Network Analysis in Operations Research (Project Management) with Network Diagram Example

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network analysis is the general name given to certain specific techniques which can be used for the planning, management and control of projects. Network analysis in Operations research is one of the most important sub topics which also comes under the broader subject of Project Management or Software Engineering.
To understand Network analysis, first we need to understand what is a project -
Basic definition of a project -
A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a "unique" product or service
This definition serves to highlight some essential features of a project -
1) It is temporary - it has a beginning and an end
2) It is "unique" in some way
Typically all projects can be broken down into:
1) Separate activities (tasks/jobs) - where each activity has an associated duration or completion time (i.e. the time from the start of the activity to its finish)
2) Precedence relationships - which govern the order in which we may perform the activities, e.g. in a project concerned with building a house the activity "erect all four walls" must be finished before the activity "put roof on" can start
and the problem is to bring all these activities together in a coherent fashion to complete the project.
Two different techniques for network analysis were developed independently in the late 1950's - these were:
1) PERT (for Program Evaluation and Review Technique); and
2) CPM (for Critical Path Management).
So finally,
Network analysis is a vital technique in PROJECT MANAGEMENT. It enables us to take a systematic quantitative structured approach to the problem of managing a project through to successful completion.
Network Diagram -
A network diagram is used to visualize all the set of activities in a particular project in a diagramatic representation which enables us to measure the time, cost & efforts required to complete the project in the most optimal way.
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#NetworkAnalysis #NetworkDiagram #OperationsResearch #ProjectManagement
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network analysis is the general name given to certain specific techniques which can be used for the planning, management and control of projects. Network analysis in Operations research is one of the most important sub topics which also comes under the broader subject of Project Management or Software Engineering.
To understand Network analysis, first we need to understand what is a project -
Basic definition of a project -
A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a "unique" product or service
This definition serves to highlight some essential features of a project -
1) It is temporary - it has a beginning and an end
2) It is "unique" in some way
Typically all projects can be broken down into:
1) Separate activities (tasks/jobs) - where each activity has an associated duration or completion time (i.e. the time from the start of the activity to its finish)
2) Precedence relationships - which govern the order in which we may perform the activities, e.g. in a project concerned with building a house the activity "erect all four walls" must be finished before the activity "put roof on" can start
and the problem is to bring all these activities together in a coherent fashion to complete the project.
Two different techniques for network analysis were developed independently in the late 1950's - these were:
1) PERT (for Program Evaluation and Review Technique); and
2) CPM (for Critical Path Management).
So finally,
Network analysis is a vital technique in PROJECT MANAGEMENT. It enables us to take a systematic quantitative structured approach to the problem of managing a project through to successful completion.
Network Diagram -
A network diagram is used to visualize all the set of activities in a particular project in a diagramatic representation which enables us to measure the time, cost & efforts required to complete the project in the most optimal way.
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#NetworkAnalysis #NetworkDiagram #OperationsResearch #ProjectManagement