Things I've Learned From Barry Harris Episode 1 Scales on the Blues

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This is the first in several episodes discussing the things i've learned from Barry Harris I started studying with Barry in 1993 and still learn from his teaching every day. I hope I can use this channel to help other musicians who are interested in Jazz but find it a little too cerebral. I think Barry's method, while being cerebral, is also direct and most important beautiful. Please Subscribe and feel free to comment below on how I can improve this channel I'm available for skype lessons if you prefer.
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Felt compelled to do this:
1 Scales on the Blues
2 Scales for I Got Rhythm
3 Five-4-3-2
4 Barry's Chromatic Scale and Other Things
5 Half step rules
6 Barry's 4 Scales of Chords
7 First 4 Bars of the Blues
8 Scales for Cherokee
9 Scales for Donna Lee
10 Playing with the Family of Dominants
11 Bridge of Cherokee and Tricky Spots
12 Minor sixth diminished for Jazz Guitar
13 Minor sixth diminished Jazz Guitar Drop3 Drop2, 4
14 Scales for How High the Moon Jazz Guitar
15 G6 and C6 Diminished Scale of Chords
16 Comping for How High The Moon Jazz Guitar
17 Borrowing Notes for Jazz Guitar
18 Scales and Soloing for Night in Tunisia
19 Comping for Night in Tunisia
20 First 4 Bars of I Got Rhythm
21 Soloing with Diminished
22 Soloing on Dominant
23 All the Things You
24 Practicing Triplets 
25 Major Scale Half Step Rules
26 Chords in Major Scale Idea
27 Chord Ideas in C major
28 Minor 6th Diminished Chord Ideas 
29 Half step rules for Harmonic Minor
30 Comping Ideas with 6th Diminished
31 Charlie Parker Idea
32 Charlie Parker Idea #2
33 Charlie Parker Idea #3
34 Playing Movement Major to Relative Minor
35 Movement Practicing Major to Sixth Dominant
36 Practicing 1 Major to 4 Minor Creating Lines
37 Five 4 3 2 in Minor and more Line ideas
38 Creating lines on Minor II V
39 Practicing creating lines with E-6th Diminished 
40 Creating lines on 3 minor, b3 minor


I’m six years late. I’ve played guitar for years, since I was 13. I am now 43. Played in rock bands my whole life, so all modes etc. all Boxy stuff.

jazz has always been an adored form of music for me, and I always wanted to learn it, especially on guitar. Coltrane changed my life, when I was younger. It went from there.

I am starting now in 2024.



practice notes:

• Blues in C major
• Running a scale up: C7, tonic up to b7
• Up & down: Cmaj7, tonic up to 7 then back down to C# (3rd of A)
• G7 up & down: G to F and back down to G
• Play rhythmically correctly – very important
• Metronome on 2 & 4
• C7 up, F7 up, then C7 up & down. Then F7 up & down, Cmaj7 up & down. Then G7 up & down, Cmaj7 up, G7 up.
• In a ii-V, only think of V7 (G7 in this example).
• Other common keys: F, Bb


My chord melody is moving along way faster than my soloing knowledge. I'm very grateful that you have posted these lessons. Thank you!


|C7 |F7 |C7 |C7 |
|F7 |F7 |C6 |A7♭13 |
|G7 |G7 |C7 A7♭13 |G7 |

This is how I see the chord structure of what Chris is playing.
I love what's going on here with the A7b13 built off the Dmelodic minor.
And until now I used to alway play the ii-7 chord especially in bar 9. I love this boiled down version!!! thanks


I am just a beginner learning to play jazz guitar, I checked a lot of channels and finnaly make a decision to go through your Barry Harris episodes because I think is the only one that present a well organized, structured and progresive learning, I am 54 and join your channel little late but I have illusion to learn a lot of this awesome music master from you, thank you so much for sharing music wisdom, very appreciated!


just revisiting the first 3 vids after coming back to them several times a year--and it's finally clicking. Thank u again for making these incredible vids that reward anyone who puts the time into really absorbing the information by practicing the stuff! I never wanted to be a be-bop clone but i also wanna speak the language so i can converse. You can't find your voice if you ain't even in the conversation.


Just a few thoughts. I've read almost all comments here and I see that Cmaj7 scale in bar 7 is aroused controversy. I agree that maj7 interval (B in C blues) can be heard on countless solos yet I believe that saying that there's Cmaj7 chord in C blues is not correct. Improvisers can play whatever they want, superimposed changes and so on. And there it is: Em7 chord played in the bar 7 going to A7 on bar 8 as a superimposed II-V (or IIIm7-VI7) just before that regular IIm7-V7 (Dm7 G7). That's where your B natural note comes from (superimposed Em7 chord, not Cmaj7) and then C# note (3rd of A7). Voila. Mystery solved. And by the way: all of a sudden that F# diminished chord fits too - if you play Em7 in bar 7 (it's like Eb diminished going into Em7). It also works if you choose to play regular C7 instead of Am7 in bar 7 because that F# (Eb) diminished resolves as well to both triads built on 3rd and 5th of C7 (it's like going to Em7b5 and Gm6). Last but not least: EXCELLENT series. I love your videos Chris. (and I love BH). Thank you for doing it all.


going through these from the beginning. Glad I'm finding this now


Very good lessons são show de bola Adoro ❤🎉


This is way deeper than it seems. I love it. Thanks again


Chris - thank you so much for this series. Ive been playing rock and blues guitar for most of my life and at the age of 58 I have just started out on a journey to learn to play jazz in a structured way. I only found your channel recently and its already a revelation for me. I am only just getting to grips with these concepts, but already I am getting some nice chromatic flavours into my playing - which I've wanted to be able to do for years. I hope to be able to steadily progress through your lessons over the next few years. I know you are interpreting Barry's ideas for us mere mortals, but you should be rightly proud of your amazing contribution to the guitar playing community. Nice work !


I realize this is 5 years ago but I’m starting to follow this. I like the teaching method.


I’m glad I found this channel. Thank you very much!!


I only just came across your amazing channel! Starting at ep. 1 and going through them all! This is such a gift, thank you for recording these! Be safe!


I've been studying Barry for about three months, where the hell has this been !?!?!
Thank you very much!


Glad i've found your channel, been trying to absorb some of Barry's teachings the last few months and it's great to see it well explained and demonstrated on guitar. Will be checking out your other videos. Thank You.


so pumped i stumbled into this. thank you.


Awesome video, man. Since I found all these Barry Harris videos I feel like I am really beginning to understand jazz and now I found you, giving more in-depth explanations. Thank you so much.


This channel is one of the best out there in YouTube, truly amazing stuff. Chris you are amazing!

I've known about it and have subscribed already for a while, but I have recently decided to take a more 'academic' approach and go through the lessons a bit more methodically. Barry's concepts are so fascinating!
