What's Best For YOU? - Native Or Cross Platform Mobile Development

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The never ending debate, should you learn native mobile development or cross platform development. If you're a new developer trying to jump into mobile technologies, I wanted to share a couple ideas and questions that might help you make that decision for yourself. Because that's the thing, there's no perfect answer and it highly depends on what you decide to focus on and what you like to do as a software developer.

NOTE: This mostly assumes you're a new developer taking its first steps in that field. If you are already know react for example it obviously tips the scale heavily towards just learning react-native, and if you already know native iOS or Android, there isn't a huge incentive to move to cross platform.

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Probably one of the most asked question I've gotten over the past few months on this channel, so it's time I share some input on if you should learn native or cross platform for mobile development.

A huge part of the followers of the channel seem to be people starting their journey with mobile development. So with that in mind, I decided to share from the perspective of someone at the very start of their path deciding on what to start with. There would be plenty more to discuss regarding if there's performance differences and other more technical aspects of that nature. But I think for a beginner, the decision should come from those higher level and broader questions rather the technical aspects. That way no matter what you decide you can enjoy what you're learning and it can help your achieve your goals. Even if there might be some slight technical downsides to one option or the other.


Starting out from web and trying React Native for a few weeks, I have to say that iOS clicked almost immediately. Very quickly, it was obvious that Swift and XCode was similar to how my brain works.


I really wanna be an android app developer but when I researched on interhet about it, I couldn't find really good, basic and fun sources.
Almost everything was boring tutorials, confused things...
I need a hero which save me that situation!!!


Been learning 7 months of JavaScript and 1 month of PHP. Once in a while I get this itch to dive into creating a mobile app and say screw learning web development. I really don't see many jobs for mobile development? and why is it everyone who enters into web development always pick the MERN stack? Also, I don't like JSX for React or React-Native I feel it complicates JavaScript even further. I love PHP it is such an underestimated language. JavaScript is always a battle. I have a hate or love relationship with JavaScript. She is amazing with her popularity and all the cool things you can do with her, but boy can she be difficult. Which is why with PHP I actually enjoy programming with. Eventually after I get really good with PHP, I am considering either flutter or Swift for mobile development because JavaScript and React Native are really complicated and isn't as easy to use compared to some other languages.
Question Green Developer, if you're interested in building a simple blog app where you talk about health and exercise topics. Which one would be your personal choice to build this app with? flutter or Swift? Just asking from your personal experience, thanks Green.


In short, it depends... Another great video :)


Great video man!
Also, you're SO close to 1K subs! 😁 Congrats!!


Really useful, thanks a lot! I can't wait to start my first app :)


They insist Flutter is the winner because it's cross-platform. The best answer is IT DEPENDS ON WHAT KIND OF PROJECT YOU WANT TO BUILD. I want to be an Android developer but the problem is there is no latest tutorial for Jetpack Compose on Udemy. By the way, how's the performance of your MacMini? Is it good or bad?
