Is Fighter's History [SNES] Worth Playing Today? - SNESdrunk

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Is making a fighting game worth being sued for today? #retrogaming #snes #fightinggames #supernintendo

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"This video comes from a VHS tape original given to DieHard GameFan Magazine by Data East as media outreach regarding the 1994 lawsuit Capcom U.S.A. Inc. v. Data East Corp. In this first tape of evidence, a representative from Data East compares seven characters from Fighter's History to ones that Capcom says Data East infringed upon from Street Fighter II."


We briefly discussed this case in law school. It was my favorite day of the program.


This game brought up the "scène à faire" concept in videogames. Basically, it means that, for example, while Capcom owns "Street Fighter", it does not own the "fighting game" genre as a whole, so story & character elements are not copyrighted.

Same with spy novels, there will almost always be a hero, a sidekick, a villain, a damsel, a femme fatale or a suspicious suspect in the story with occasional twists and turns.


"It wasn't Matlock at all. Didn't even look like him!" RIP Norm Macdonald


"Wait, he's wearing his pants backwards?!"
Do you not remember Kriss Kross? lol


Hey Snesdrunk! I wanted to tell you that no matter how many times you upload, whether its twice a week or just once, you are still my favorite channel to watch and I appreciate you making videos for us! It really helps me through my week. Thank you!!!


1. Having normal people living their lives in the background was something i noticed during the video, thank you for addressing that lol
2. Hearing the data east story while watching footage of the game is a really cool idea, wouldnt complain if you do it more often
3. The last song sounds really cool and catchy


I did a deep-dive on the lawsuit over on my channel a couple years ago. It's pretty wild, especially since the judge keeps calling them "fight games" instead of "fighting games."


There's tons of fighters that copy or take ideas from SF on Arcades. I have a massive list of Fighters and Beat 'em ups that I've collected over the years to play on MAME. List now included below...

**Beat 'em ups & vs. Fighters for MAME (Arcade)/Neo-Geo**

*There are many more I've left out of this list, I've just included what I have on my PC. Feel free to list more. There are many more home console fighters and ports that are not included in the list apart from "Kishin Douji Zenki FX - Vajra Fight" worth looking at.*

- 64th. Street - A Detective Story

- Aggressors of Dark Kombat

- Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty

- Alien vs. Predator

- Altered Beast

- Arabian Fight

- Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja

- B.Rap Boys

- Batman

- Batman Forever

- Battle Arena Toshinden

- Battle Circuit

- Battle K-Road

- Battle Tryst

- Beastorizer

- Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (prototype)

- Blazing Tornado

- Blood Warrior / Oedo Fight

- Bloody Roar 2

- Buriki One

- Battletoads

- Blade Master

- Capcom Vs. SNK Millenuim Fight 2000 Pro

- Cyberstorm (prototype)

- Chaos Breaker

- Cadash

- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

- Captain America and The Avengers

- Captain Commando

- Crude Buster

- Dan-Ku-Ga (Prototype)

- Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)

- Dragon Master

- Dragoon Might

- D. D. Crew

- Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone

- Ehrgeiz

- Fatal Fury Special

- Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition

- Fighters History

- Fighting Bujitsu

- Fighting Impact A

- Fighting Layer

- Fighting Vipers 2

- Final Fight Revenge

- Fist of the North Star

- Final Fight

- Golden Axe

- Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder

- Golden Axe - The Duel

- Groove on Fight

- Guardians / Denjin Makai II

- Heaven's Gate

- Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition

- Jackie Chan - Fists of Fire

- Karnov's Revenge

- Killer Instinct 1+2

- King of the Monsters 1+2

- Kishin Douji Zenki FX - Vajra Fight (NEC PC-FX)

- Knights of the Round

- Knights of Valour - The Seven Spirits

- Last Bronx

- Light Bringer

- Mace - The Dark Age

- Martial Champion

- Martial Masters

- Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter

- Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes

- Marvel Vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes

- Master's Fury

- Martimlee

- Mighty Warriors

- Mobile Suite Gundam

- Monster Maulers

- Mutation Nation

- Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3 + UMK3, MK4

- Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle

- My Hero

- Magician Lord

- Mazin Wars

- Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

- Mystic Warriors

- Night Slashers

- Oriental Legend Super

- Plasma Sword - Nightmare of Bilstein

- Primal Rage 1+2

- Rabbit

- Rage of the Dragons

- Ragnagard

- Red Earth

- Ring of Destructions - Slammasters II

- Rival Schools - United by Fate

- Riot City

- Robocop

- Robocop 2

- Shinobi

- Spider-Man: The Videogame

- Spikeout Final Edition (sega model 3)

- Streets of Rage (Mega-Tech)

- Streets of Rage II (Mega Play)

- Strider 2

- Superman

- S.V.G - Spectral vs Generation

- Samurai Shodown V Special

- Samurai Shodown - Warrior's Rage

- Savage Reign

- Sengoku 3

- Shogun Warriors

- SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos

- Soul Edge

- Street Fighter Alpha 3

- Street Fighter EX2 Plus

- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future

- Survival Arts

- Street Fighter - The Movie

- Tao Taido

- Tattoo Assasains

- Tekken 1, 2, 3, Tag Tournament

- Tenth Degree (prototype)

- The King of Fighters 99 + 2003


- TMNT - Turtles in Time

- The Combatribes

- The Crystal of Kings

- The Gladiator

- The Punisher

- Vampire Hunter 2 - Darkstalkers Revenge

- Vicious Circle (prototype)

- Virtua Fighter 2 + VF Remix

- Vandetta

- Violent Storm

- Waku Waku 7

- Warriors of Fate

- War Gods

- World Heroes Perfect

- WWF Wrestlefest

- WWF - Wrestlemania

- X-Men

- X-Men Vs. Street Fighter


Fighter's History honestly plays much less like an SF2 clone than many other fighters. It uses a different input system, the characters that may look like SF2 clones often have quite different movesets, and other characters are nothing like SF2 characters.

The game used no DP or 360 inputs. Command grabs were half-circles. It also used quarter-circle down inputs, double tap direction inputs, and even a punch+kick input.

Everyone assumes Feilin is a Chun-Li clone (female Chinese martial artist), but Feilin has an air fireball and a charge motion uppercut instead of Chun-Li's horizontal spinning bird kick. You might expect Mizoguchi to be a Ryu clone, but he doesn't have a dragon punch (instead he has a purely ground-based sliding uppercut) and his flying kicks are in the style of AOF/SNK rather than a hurricane kick. People assume Marstorius is a Zangief clone, but he's a charge character. Heck, the more dedicated and dangerous grappler is the little girl Ryoko (who is based on a real person).

Samchay isn't a Dhalsim clone. He is a Muay Thai fighter, which would make him an Adon (SF1) or Sagat (SF2) clone, except he doesn't play like them either. While he does have a fireball and "tiger knee", he lacks the dragon-punch equivalent move to be a Sagat clone. (Samchay instead gets a grounded sliding knee+punch special.)


Random trivia: Ryoko Kano in this game and Ryoko Izumo from World Heroes 2 are both based on real life judoka Ryoko Tamura. Though already an accomplished fighter in her teens at the time both games released, Tamura went on to win numerous medals and titles years later, including Olympic gold in 2000 and 2004 at 25 and 29.


Karnov's Revenge is actually a pretty popular side game in the FGC, lol.


OMG… Karnov! That’s cool. I played that game, and it’s cool that they brought the character back. Kinda like when Hagar was brought into fighting games from Final Fight.


Gotta love weird lawsuits on technology. Like when Apple sued Samsung claiming they had a copyright on rectangular smartphones and the square icons for apps....


I actually like this game quite a bit, to be honest. It feels a lot better to play than people give it credit for.

Also, on a related note, the character Mizoguchi would later go on to make playable cameos in SNK games- King of Fighters, specifically.


It was one of the better SF clone that I played as a kid, I just realized the muay thai character has almost the same name as a famous thai fightger called Saenchai, nice touch


If that court case went the other way, half of the indie games on Nintendo Switch wouldn't be legal.


0:32 So these would be...
Ken | Chun Li | ???
Guile | Dhalsim | ???
Ryu | ??? | Zangief
Pretty rough, but at least faux-Chun Li isn't the Smurfette of the group.


I love this game! Mizoguchi is actually more of a direct rip-off of Tsurugi Momotaro from Sakigake!! Otokojuku, rather than Ryu


I’m going to start a channel named SuperNintipsy, and at the end of every video, I’m going to say, “I hope the remainder of your day is great.” Let’s see what the courts say about that. 🤪
