Is This a Stupid Idea?

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You tell me... is this idea I have about tackling an annoying time zone problem feasible or is it just stupid? 😂

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The other challenge I can think of (other than timezone) is making sure that the other location can hear any questions brought forth by the audience. This isn't as much of a concern when the "other" people are completely remote and so have their own microphones in their computers, but can be a challenge when you have 2 large rooms on the call. This is generally solved by either passing a mic around or the presenter of the physical room repeating any questions before giving an answer. It's a completely solvable issue, but one I sometimes feel is under-prepared for.


Would love to virtually join a Flipper class. Timezone wouldn't matter to me. You could almost make it a after hours event starting at 4am Vagas time and just force everyone to wake up early. 😅


As someone who worked with LEO, AF, FD, EMS, SAR…. I am used to 24hr/day wakey-wakey…. And sadly, don’t have much concern for “9-5ers”.
Or Mon-Fri.
We only used clocks and calendars to document our responses.
I learned “If it is important enough to be needed, if it is important enough to you, then you will get your ass up”
Complaints of “It’s too early, I haven’t had coffee, I haven’t had breakfast, I haven’t combed my hair, ad nauseum” we NOT tolerated.

So start what time, start what day, to me I’m in.
I’m honest enough to admit I may not be able to afford the training, though.


I would love to see a Flipper class. I don't care what time it is. I would need to watch online


I think it would work great for the most popular classes (RFID, Flipper). If you're creative about it, you MIGHT be able to get away with a staggered start time - start at 9 at both places, but move some modules around so that there are common simulcast modules, and maybe 1-2 modules delivered locally at each site if times are off.


Federales like sleeping in too. The times sound good to me, execute.


TLDR; IMO not dumb. I'm not US based, but anything that improves accessibility to courses that you do is amazing. Timezones are a royal pain in the behindus but there are ways to make it work. If you had the simul-cast stuff at the same time, but then jiggled the workshoppy bits and other stuff around, it could really easily work. Portable mics in each room for any questions so both sides can hear.... I love how you have accessibility requirements / remote attendance at the forefront too. I love what you do and having more people able to experience Deviant-adjacent things has only gotta be a good thing.


UK here, Could you do some “half day” classes that run in our evening, but your afternoon? Then people who have day jobs can attend virtually, but you aren’t working odd times!


I think it's a great idea! More opportunity and availability in VA is great. Sometimes work will pay for the classes but not the travel, too.


I was patiently waiting for you to post a video about the Flipper Zero ;) I heard you mentioning it during a few speeches but I was expecting a dedicated video and now I saw your thumbnail!


as one who resides in a zero g recliner do to injuries received from "bodyslamming planet earth" and living to tell about it, i have no time constraints! love all that you guys do! the only way to keep ppl honest is to have keys to everything!


This is a great idea. The first time I did a distributed learning experience was in 1989, via George Mason University and VA Tech who offered a closed channel satellite TV broadcast course on hazardous waste management. They did classes on everything from airborne radar to radiation safety, with people taking classes all over the US.

It can be an excellent learning experience, but it needs good instructors/facilitators.


What's the possibility of having a recorded class? As somebody in Pacific time that can't get up early because… Physiology I'd still pay and love to learn how to do a flipper. And I haven't been able to get my hands on one yet, so when I do… I'd love to be able to enjoy the class.


My daughter takes her concurrent enrollment through a simulcast and it works. The only hitch is if the instructor isn't skilled at handling questions from the remote site.

I worked for an organization that did webinar training, which was shorter than what you're discussing, but we tried to make the schedule work for as many people as possible, out out the times, and trust the attendees to make whatever arrangements they need to make it work.


Makes a TON of sense to service a bigger crowd that far apart.👍 Hope it works out for you guys! And the flipper class looks awesome!😁


Having delivered training in person and virually, I think it is a good idea as long as the simulcast adds value to the students on both ends. If it becomes aburden or distracts from the course that is when it becomes an issue. Incorporating ways to integrate everyone into discussions or breakouts to foster collaboration between the various locations would be fun to do. The more diverse your crowd the better the discussions and interactions.


If there's any non-sequential modules in the class that you can move around that might be an idea to try. Have EST do a 2-3hr module first thing, then PST start with the 2nd module and do the 1st module last.


I know Feds who love that they get to work 6:00A to 2:30P here on the East coast, and get frustrated when asked to work later. And, then there are those who prefer to work later, as late as 9:30A, which lets them off at 6:00P. And, they have to get permission to work later than 6:00P or earlier than 6:00A. And, that's why there's a fair amount of activities that get scheduled in what they call core hours: 9:30A to 2:30P. But, that's a typical work week. They tend to be more willing when it's something they want to do.


I love it! Could you have an hour or so of flex time for lab stuff that caters to the local time zones? Kinda like remote-first companies have "core hours" that all employees work for the sake of synchronous meetings.

It'd take some doing to think through the courseware and find a module/lab that could be extracted from elsewhere in the course and taught that way, but it might help ease the time zone difference as well.


A virtual flipper class would be awesome!!
