FOREIGNERS REACTS TO to The Evolution OF Germany's MANY Political Parties!! Unbelievable 😱😱😱

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Chancellors are NOT the head of state in Germany. The chancellor ist the head of the Federal Government, and he is elected by the parliament. Namely by the majority of a coalition he has to install beforehand. And the composition of the parliament ist elected by the people! Of course the chancellor has the most of political influence, and the constitution give him the right to determine the "guidelines of policy" of the government, but whatever he does or intends to do, he allways is responsible to the "Bundestag", der parliament of Germany. So, unlike for instance the US-President or the french President, he has vastly less politcal power.
However the head of state is the "Federal President". He is not elected by the people but by the members of the Bundestag and the members of the sixteen state parliaments, the so called "Bundesversammlung". So he represents Germany as a whole for example abroad, but with few exceptions, without real political power.


Nothing against those two reactors, but from their comments at the end one can notice, that they didn't comprehend anything. Or only on a very superficial level.
I blame the ones, who recommended that video. Do you really think, that those two people know, what those parties represent after watching the video?
They were barely able to remember, how many parties there were, after the video finished.
The woman didn't comprehend anything at all and she said clearly, that she has no clue about politics in general.
Who the hell is reccomending such videos for a reaction by those two people, who maybe even have difficulties to comprehend, when WWI was, when WWII ended or what the Cold War or East Germany (DDR) was...or where on a map Germany even is located?
I had a short look at their reaction videos. Half of them are about the Quran, Islam and religion.
Do those people even realize, that Germany is almost completely atheistic and what the biggest religions in Germany are?
Do they even know, what an atheist is?
And now a majority of users are wishing for a video, that explains the German party landscape to them?
Partly even pretty biased. No wonder, when one has a look at the end of the video, where it's written, that the Bertelsmann foundation made this video, who has their own political leanings and subitle ways of misrepresenting some political parties whom they don't like.
In the end those two reactors are nice people. But especially the woman didn't comprehend anything and wasn't able to express her opinions properly.
One could see it in their overchallenged facial expressions, too.
My recommendation for a channel like this would be videos about the history of Germany.
Or even more urgent I would recommend videos about the religious history of Germany and what atheism is, because the overwhelming part of their videos seem to be about religion...and I really have my doubts, that they have a clue about the religious/atheist landscape in the Western World or Germany.
Scientific videos about the origins of life or about the nature of the universe from a scientific perspective would be more urgent in such a channel than recommending videos about modern German political parties, too.


Thank you for being interested in how the german parties work 🙂 !!! And yes, you will be able to choose a bit more individual for yourself. Not everytime they put the country in their thoughts first, don't let it misleading you. Often, personal interests in the paries and not losing their face is more important to them, sadly. But i think the process of forming a coaliton to make it over 50% together to form a government forces them to discuss and try to understand the other parties. Even it is the weird fears of Nazis like the people from the AFD. The thing that makes a country better and peaceful is forcing them into diplomatic discussion. I guess that's whats lacking a bit in america sometimes? To be forced to compromise with other people who have a good heart but other arguments and ways to make it a better place.
Greetings from Germany :)


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