Lisa Cairns - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

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00:00:00 - A De-scription, Not a Pre-scription
00:03:49 - The Illusion of Cause and Effect
00:07:20 - Living without Concepts and Belief Systems
00:10:50 - Animal Cruelty and Personal Concern
00:13:35 - The Funny Story of How I Met My Boyfriend Roger
00:16:28 - From Buddhism to Tony Parsons
00:19:40 - The Illusion of Cause and Effect
00:23:11 - The Need to Hold onto Blame, Good and Bad Perspectives
00:26:52 - Indifference towards the opinions of others
00:30:43 - Life Showing What Needs to Be Happening
00:33:37 - Enlightenment and Spiritual Practice
00:37:09 - The Illusion of Happiness and Beliefs
00:40:59 - The End of the Urge to Do
00:44:51 - The Falling Away of Beliefs and Ideas
00:48:20 - The Dog's Thoughts
00:52:05 - The Spotlight on Experiences
00:55:24 - The Marvelous Creation of God
00:59:00 - Continuous Refinement and Exploration
01:02:48 - The Energy of Seeking
01:05:44 - The Joy of Laughing with Others
01:08:56 - The Awakening and Separation
01:12:08 - Overwhelmed by the Beauty of Everything
01:15:20 - A Radical Change of Perspective
01:18:52 - Exiting the Incubator
01:22:11 - The Intelligence Orchestrating the Mind-Body System
01:24:33 - Flexibility and Freedom in Being
01:27:44 - The Hilarity and Suffering of the Ego
01:30:47 - The Metaphor of Lines on Stone, Sand, Water, and Air
01:33:53 - Consultations and Donations
01:36:53 - The Challenges of Managing Time
01:39:29 - Visit

Lisa started spiritually seeking in her early 20's. She had her first awakening in 2005 after attending a talk given by Tony Parsons. After this, she spent some time in India with Ramesh Balsekar. It was there that she met her final teacher, Roger Castillo, who was also a student of Ramesh. She lived with him for three years in Australia during which time many falsehoods were seen through. In the beginning of 2011, Lisa's awakening stabilized and the seeker fell away. Lisa now enjoys communicating the nature of Happiness to anyone desperate enough to know the truth.

Interview recorded 1/7/2012
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Great interview!  Any interview diminishes the entirety of the I  Am-ness.  Like you said Rick, "When we open our mouth we create dualism".  Yet it's all wonderfully apparent playing out of the apparent movie we call "my life".  Example, there is no such things as forgiveness, forgiveness "is".  Removing blame (the creator) of a need for what we define as forgiveness collapses it all.  So many things we see as needing to be repressed, suppressed, get rid of is like this.  Removing definitions (beliefs), relieves of this illusion.  Allowing, surrender, being with-ness, watching are all pointers to that which is real and present in this now, as with all things.  Thank you Lisa and Paul.  Seeking is suffering, and yet the paradox....  there is no-body who suffers.  Suffering and happiness can be, and then they can be so so important.  Seemingly anyway.  I had a wonderful experience at 19.  I was married at 17, had a child at 18, and during a painful unraveling of emotion, I was at the peak of a dark night, ready to end it all.  I said a little prayer, I accepted my whole self (ego) and being, and awoke the next morning as if seeing the world through a unconditional totally different place.  It was immediate  joy, and the thing I noticed most was the judgments eliminated fully of myself, and others.  I woukld describe it as a complete surrender to all.  Yet there was nothing "to do", even then.  I had removed my need to control which I found was really 100% illusion and it's okay


powerful interview!!! loved the questions and the unity you both had..i really enjoyed this interview...wonderful and insightful...


thank you for this interview, love you both, and it resonates..sending you both love


I love Lisa. So refreshing, open, honest.


Tony Parsons is great for those who are so attached to method but at some point anybody has to find their own truth.  Every teacher with their different approaches help us to transcend our own attachment which blocks realization.  No one possesses the entire truth and expresses it in definite words that can be understood by the mind.  Not even the Buddha could.  I hop from one approach to another and all can be true depending on the context.


Rick, I love you so much. Thank you so much for interviewing these people. I laugh so much watching and listening to Lisa. :D


@BuddhaAtTheGasPump Thanks for all these fascinating interviews, Rick. I appreciate them enormously. Cheers.


That was awesome guys and a very enjoyable interview. Both your perspective while very different fit together as a whole so well.


Nice, very enjoyable interview. Thank you for this series, I had no idea there were so many people awakening. Every week I´m waiting for the new interview...


Lisa's doing a really good job of describing how her experience of nonduality is. Such as she mentioned she can just sit for a long time, because there is no longer an urge to make things better, that she is not trying to escape suffering as most people would be


first time Ive heard of Lisa, loved the talk!


love this description vs prescription thing... i also always see that... love the resonance... <3


Huh, pretty good; surprised I watched the whole thing. It was worth it for her remark about expecting some certain phrase or situation to be a trigger alone. I've had that sort of idea of a 'magic phrase' for a long time, and hadn't realized how much I invested in it.


what i like alwyas best are the comments, especially of those that dont get it, enormous fun


What Lisa tries to say can be summarized by the Way of Mastery:
Love (or I AM) allows all things, trusts all things, embraces all things; therefore transcends all things.


When you are a seeker and become liberated - that is when the seeker is no more.All people are seeking in one way or another. Tony and Lisa are talking about there 'knowing" that happened after seeking stop. Seeking is of the mind/ego =  fear.


thank you, this is so are wonderful :)


The second half of this is much better than the first


its MUCH better if you dont scroll the comments. trust me, they suck you into other people's ego/mental world.

I'm just startin to learn youtube is much better without ever looking. just full screen it and move from vid to vid

my 2 cents


Thanks for the interview and challenging the ideas presented. What I don't understand is, on what level exactly is there no "cause and effect". Is there any scientific basis to this? I think one can believe certain notions to be true or untrue to avoid suffering but living with reality the way it is, is the challenge.
