How to Make Your Reborn Doll Look Realistic in a Car Seat #shorts #reborndolls #rebornouting

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I genuinely worry about anyone that takes these dolls out in public pretending they're real, clearly something isn't right and they need help


Please don't do this. This is such a terrible hazard to first responders, paramedics or law enforcement in general. God forbid you get in an accident first responders might risk getting hurt and waste their time on saving plastic thinking it's a real baby. And no, y'all's stickers do NOT matter. It's a real car seat. The baby looks real, we have an obligation to locate and help the most vulnerable victim on scene which will of course always be the baby. This has gotten out of hand.


For anyone wondering why, reborn dolls are for

- People who have miscarried/ lost children

- People with dementia/Alzheimer’s

- People with disabilities that make them mentally incapable to care for a child, but they want to take care of one anyways.

I’m autistic and the third option. I wouldn’t bring one out in public, mostly because theyre soo expensive


Honestly don’t understand why so many people are upset over a toy. Children are expensive. So is daycare. And children have to have 24 7 care so say goodbye to alone time or vacations unless you are just rich. I think reborns are good for multiple reasons and many types of situations. They are amazing for elderly dementia patients. They are amazing for people with down syndrome or other special needs in that realm as well. They are amazing for children to play with. They are amazing for women who are trying to cope with a death of their own child. Or they are amazing for someone who just wants to have a baby for 3 days a week but wants the luxury of going as they please without worrying about safety or daycare. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They are just AMAZING. I love them. If I didn’t have a real child to take care of already, I would probably get one myself. My son is 11. Once he is out on his own and has his own life…… and I get lonely……. And if I don’t have grandkids……… I may get one just to play granny sometimes. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Imagine accidently leaving one of these in a car during summer


This reminds me of a practice that got popular a long while ago called “mourning dolls” back when medicine wasn’t great and children died a lot parents would make dolls with their dead children’s hair and sometimes even skin. It was then used in place of the baby for weeks months or years as a way to mourn their baby.


We had to carry an electronic baby for a few days in high school (to scare us into abstinence, I guess). I was volunteering bell ringing and collecting donations for the Red Cross on a super cold day. Had the baby in its car seat with me outside. Got a lot of comments from folks worried about my "baby" and I kept explaining patiently that it was just a school project.... not a living baby. Eventually someone called the cops on me. Honestly (as an adult looking back) I'm very impressed how many bystanders took their time and energy to care for what they saw as a child in need. ❤ and I'm sorry I scared so many people with my school project while just trying to innocently volunteer. Should have made a sign 😅


I don't understand everybody criticising those with reborns, saying they need to get help and cope; this literally IS THE COPING. Reborns are a way for so many grieving mothers to cope, as well as being used for other people who may benefit from such a thing. None of this is your business if I'm being honest, peace and love and move on 💚


Am I the only one who would immediately drop the doll in public to see people's reactions 😀

Edit: I really got a notification for this when it had exactly 666 likes 😭


imagine getting in a crash and real people get helped later bc the paramedics thought there's a child in the car


Please also put something up that makes it clear this is a doll so that first responders don’t waste time trying to save it in the case of an accident.


Everyone please. Reborns are not strictly for people who lost children. Its for anyone who wants them for whatever reason😭 Typically people just collect them. I personally like the art side of it. Some people get them for their children (which is actually kinda crazy cause theyre hella expensive) but It doesn’t automatically indicate some kind of mental issue.


Guys..this is a role play channel. Chill the fuck out, not everything has to be a big argument.


y’all please leave her alone. she is a child and mostly will not be taking that into public, my siblings do this with their baby’s and leave them at home. my cousin puts hers in a seat and carry’s the baby unrealistically so nobody is worried


Had a couple bring one in for a new child well care visit. The husband had a mortified look. My nurse explained before I entered the exam room that she had had a stillbirth, and this was supposed to be a way for her to cope. I immediately called a psychiatrist friend in the same office complex. So sad.😢


Reminds me of when I was in high school and had my parenting class. Had to take care of a realistic baby doll that sounded just like a real baby as well. It would even randomly make noises. Took it to Walmart with a friend as it was apart of our assignment to actually go out and do things to simulate a more realistic experience and HOLY SHIT LOL THE LOOKS I GOT AS A 17 YEAR OLD (who looked 15) WITH A BABY. I even had a man come up to me all angry and he was giving me a lecture and then he realized it was fake and frantically apologized and left. 💀 funny stuff


People... The first videos on this channel are from 4 years ago, when she was about 14 years old. A child playing with dolls. Not a childless woman or grieving mother.


Some people are questioning why these were made, it was made for toddlers/children to play with if they want to, i used to be obsessed with these as a toddler, it can also be used for practicing how to be a parent when you are almost having a child


People in comments saying these people need to seek help, don’t realize that this is most likely a form if therapy to them.


Just don't leave it in your car alone if you don't want a broken window 😢
