How to be a Godly Parent Pt.2 #christian #jesus #faith #parenting #parents #advice #tips

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As parents we don’t bless disobedient children, we discipline disobedient children. And not to make them pay for what they’ve done, but to restore them back to a place of blessing. We read in Hebrews 12 that this is why God disciplines his kids. It’s not to make us pay for disobedience, since Jesus already paid for that in full. But he does so out of love and for our good that we might share in his holiness, because ultimately that’s where blessing is found.

In addition, the goal of discipline isn’t behavior modification, but heart transformation. So don’t discipline for childish behavior, only disobedient behavior. And don’t discipline out of anger, but do so with gentleness and care.

Finally, remember that your kid is sinner just like you, and the grace you need from God, they need it to. So, be humble and be tender and discipline your kids in love.
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Can someone please give me and example of discipline I can use for my kids, I have tried many?? Parent to parent.
