Vesislava & Lidia Stankulova - Holy Night (Quiet Christmas Album)

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This year I was blessed to work with another one of my closest friends, Miss Lidia Stankulova - The Harp Healer. We both would like to wish you a Peaceful Christmas full of Love and Content.
We gift you our classical album "Quiet Christmas". Close your eyes and enjoy, Silent Night.

follow Vesislava:

follow Lidia Stankulova:

We would like to extend our special Thanks to our friends who made this video possible.
First we would like to extend our gratitude to the recording team of Firdaus Studios by AR Rahman.
This album would not be possible without their support.
Secondly we would like to also thank the family of Miss Elham Al Marzooqi for allowing us to shoot our videos in their beautiful residence. You can also follow her cello journey as the very first Emirati Cello Player here:
Last but not least thank you goes to Miss Dimana Dicheva, who blessed us with her wonderful Christmas Tree and her beautiful decoration. You can also see her Handmade art here:
Without friends, we are truly poor, so thank you all for supporting our music!

#holynight #musicvideo #merrychristmas #vesislava
Рекомендации по теме

Holaaa bello ángel 😍.... bella pieza, algo melancolía pero a laves reconfortante....invita a cerrar las ventanas del alma y partir al puerto que un tantos eones atrás me vio partir en busca un pedazo qué a mí corazón le faltaba. 😔😌🙂 Gracias a estos pequeños atisbos del cielo qué nos proporcionas los mortales podemos soñar con algo más tangible aya Allende el horizonte. Mil gracias por tu maravilloso talento. Saludos desde México 🇲🇽🤓.


Een open deur lieflijk mooi prachtige instrumenten dat heb ik gevonden in mijn oude oefen cello.


Bravissimo, canzoni meravigliosa i una bellissima interpretazione!


The notification from yt appeared the moment I was looking for music for reading lol ....of course seeing and hearing you Vesi I forgot all about reading lol...blessings to both of you ♥


Absolutely enchanted and captivated by the beautiful playing of you two.


Vielen🌹Dank, fűr diese Video, gewandt*. Sehr schoene__und Liebliche, alle Frauen ~ ~


Ja, bitte ! Dies' ist sooo 🌟Liebliche und sehr🌟glorreiche mit den Damen angenehm, verein !! BraVa ! **Ausgezeichnet mein Lieblichen____. Michael J. Modesto, California ~


Hola, vesislava que hermosa interpretación felicidades, saludos desde Chile


Very wonderful and beautiful 🙏🧡🎶🎻= à la Cello ‼️

Wish you and your wonderful Collègues L'Harpiste a beautiful "before Christmas Time " and Merry Christmas 🌲🌟🙏🧡 and come safe and healthy into 2025🎊🙏🧡🍀🍀🍀

Kind regards from a Collègue from 🇪🇺🇩🇪 Black Forest Region,


Josha 🙋

PS: your Instrument is just beautiful ‼️‼️‼️
May I ask, what kind of Instrument it is? 🙏
Only give an answer if it is all right for you‼️🙏🙋


Do you have sheet music for this arrangement?
