Kris Kristofferson - Here comes that rainbow again (1982)

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Well, not the same as my video with the scenes from the movie... but there's no use of a worldwide-blocked video. Hope, FOX won't be pissed off by stills from the movie... Anyway, they won't even recognize this here because I haven't used any SCENE from a movie they own :-)

The song is from the album "The winning hand" (1982)

I had been curious about this movie (The Grapes of Wrath,1939 -
Früchte des Zorns) since I knew Kris' amazing song was inspired by a scene from it. So I bought the dvd already a while ago, but it was hard to start out watching it because it's an old black-and-white movie and I'm not a real fan of old black-and-white movies... But today I've taken my time to watch it and it surprised me a lot! It really IS a GREAT movie, so touching and well-made, I was deeply impressed and I LOVED it! But when it came to the mentioned scene I couldn't help but stop and make a video with scenes from it, before going on watching to the end, because this really IS the song! Kris has made such a wonderful song from it...

The movie is based on the book "The grapes of wrath" by John Steinbeck

Here comes that rainbow again
Kris Kristofferson
(Inspired by "The Grapes of Wrath" -- "Früchte des Zorns)

The scene was a small roadside cafe,
the waitress was sweepin' the floor,
two truck drivers drinkin' their coffee
and two Okie kids by the door.

"How much are them candies?" they asked her.
"How much have you got?" she replied.
"We've only a penny between us."
"Them's two for a penny," she lied.

And the daylight grew heavy with thunder
and the smell of the rain on the wind.
Ain't it just like a human?
Here comes that rainbow again.

One truck driver called to the waitress
after the kids went outside,
"Them candies ain't two for a penny."
"So what's it to you?" she replied.

In silence they finished their coffee,
got up and nodded goodbye.
She called, "Hey, you left too much money!"
"So what's it to you?" they replied.

And the daylight grew heavy with thunder
and the smell of the rain on the wind.
Ain't it just like a human?
Here comes that rainbow again.
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If the whole world stopped and watched and listened to this - the world would be a much better place.


I don't know how he can sing this song. Every time I try I choke up and can't finish. Great song.


June 22, 2020 - Happy birthday Mr. Krisofferson - 84 years old today! Thank you for so many heartfelt songs.


The most generous act I've ever seen was 2 young boys about 12 years old leaving the Skydome after a game and a young down and out man just sitting on a bench not begging or making a nuisance. The kids went over to him, gave him the coffee and sandwich they had and dug in their pockets and emptied their change into his hand, touched him on the shoulder and went on their way. Seems like they knew right from wrong even then and I hope life has been good to them in the 30 odd years since.


I'm with Graham... I'm trying to learn this, but the tears make it hard to sing... there's a lot of this kind of human goodness that never makes the front page...
Thank you, Mr Kristoferson.


There will never be another Kris, his songs are from the heart. He is truly the poet of our time.


Heard him sing the Pilgrim and been listening ever since one of the best


Man what a beautiful song by probably the greatest songwriter of ANY period of time! John Prine is a very close second if not neck and neck with him. They both can bring me to tears equally. Damnitt man!


Kris is certainly an excellent wordsmith, beautiful storyteller.


this was the song played at my Aunts funeral. she loved this song.


no songs like this anymore that tell a story you can imagine in your head with just words


I grew up in John Steinbeck's hometown and had seen "The Grapes of Wrath" many times (and, of course, read the book) before I heard this song. The first time I heard it, as I listened I realized, "Oh My God! This is from 'Grapes of Wrath!'"


excellent tune, to me kris kristofferson was the finest country singer and song writer ever produced with a killer voice for talking as well


This song is just so beautiful - make you cry and feel good all at the same time. Kristofferson is such an amazing songwriter.


Oh my gosh. 1st time hearing this & what a beautiful song. Brings you to tears. Kris your voice is so uniquely beautiful just like your songs.


Living is proving to be suffocating as years go by. Hard times caused by malfunctioning humans are blurring our sight of the rainbow. So thank you, Kris, for offering us a helping hand through this song. We will survive. See you at the end of the rainbow:)


This song hits my heart. Makes me remember my childhood. Both good and bad.


I’ve played this song dozens of times, and each time I do my eyes well up with tears.
Love kk songs


Love this!! I can picture in past times...his voice is alluring and the stories in his songs.


This song changed my life! I heard Kris do this live in Northern Ontario and I was lucky enough to meet him afterwards. He actually asked if I was sure that I was alright ( I wasn't) . imagine, a total stranger asking another if they are okay? Changed everything for me, great man!
