What nations will be involved in the Ezekiel 38 war?

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The book of Revelation reveals God’s outline of future events. We read of God’s wrath poured out on the earth, a great battle between Jesus and the forces of evil, and of promise of coming victory.


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All Glory and Power to our Father God in Heaven and to our Lord, King and Savior Jesus Christ...🙏✝🛐


And they will all fall before the power of our Lord and Savior.


The bible tells us the Holy Spirit will teach us not a worldly school.


Bravo. I'm a Jewish from Israel and came to the same conclusuion. I wish I can share some stuff with someone like him.


Just KEEP the 10, worship God with faith in Yeshua & u will be saved!!


God will not let them harm or kill his people. If you beleive in my lord Jesue you will not fear death but welcome it if you asked to fight for his people.


Turkey Sudan Egypt Iran will be involved in the Magog and Gog war


This a bad translation. The translation is not prince of Rosh. Rosh is not a nation, it is part of the title of Gog, he is the sar rosh. Sar means primce and rosh means chief or head in Hebrew making Gog the chief prince of Magog. Making the Hebrew word rosh into a name of a nation is an amateurish mistake.

Furthermore, in Ezekiel's day, Russia did not exist and would not exist for over 1500 years. For him to point to Russia would make no sense to his audience.

All of the lands mentioned in Ezekiel's prophecy can be found on a map of the Mideast marking the political boundaries in Ezekiel's day. They are all Middle Eastern nations under the control of Islam today.


Thank you for a better understanding of this scripture 👍🤗🙏💖🇬🇧


The attack in Ezekiel 38 is against "God's Israel" which has not been a single nation since the 1st century CE. So that war involves all nations. It is the same situation as in Revelation 16:13-16, the one called Armageddon.

Armageddon is the end of this world. It is the same end that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:14 where he said that "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

The references to horses and weapons in Ezekiel 38 is symbolic. It is just God's way of saying that the forces of "Gog of Magog" will be "fully equipped" militaristically.


This war, you refer to, is the final war between those that favor rulership by God vs. those that are happy with ridership by mankind. This is the conclusion of the issue raised by Adam & Eve, at the beginning of Mankind in the Garden of Eden.


They went literature that was prior to the Strongs Concordance which is also an interpretation of Bible words/ verses and not the original manuscript or Archeological artifacts that these people have also studied.


Rosh is Hebrew for “head, chief”. The leader of this invasion. Even though I believe Russia will head this invasion, Rosh doesn’t necessarily mean Russia. Again look up the word Rosh in Hebrew and you would see it does not mean a nation north of Israel called Russia. It simply means that nation north of Israel will be chief of the invading army to come against Israel. The leader, head, chief, רֹאשׁ, Rosh. Russia will be the leader of this Russian led Arab coalition.


This refers to the third woe and the last trumpet.

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

God’s elect will witness the destruction of the earth and those condemned.


Which North? Magnetic North, Grid North, or True North? Would the Region of Turkey be considered North?


All i can say to these people who lives in those countries, Leave as quickly as you can, Repent and Believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, for things are going to get really hot in those countries.


Please explain Ezekiel 9:9-10 and compare it to the Weapons of Today?


Revelation 21: The Prophet John saw a new heaven and earth. A new Jerusalem appearing below God. The old heaven and earth will have disappeared. There will no longer be the sea. Old heaven and earth will have passed away. Now the question becomes: where does modern day Israel and Jerusalem fit into God's new order?


See ezekiel 38 andc39. Forcthe answer ❤❤❤❤❤❤


The Hebrew word Rosh is not a location or place. The word means "Chief". The scripture should read "Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal". That is the proper Hebrew rendering.
