Caesar Cipher Encryption and Decryption in Python
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Caesar Cipher in Python
Hi!! In this video, I'll be doing caesar cipher encryption and decryption using Python
Caesar Cipher is a substitution cipher, its algorithm is as follows:
- Take alphabetic message (A to Z)
- Take a key (1 to 26) (1 being A and 26 being Z)
- To encrypt, left-shift or right-shift message letter by letter by the value of the key
For example
if the message is "ABC" and the key is 1 and we are performing right-shift then the encrypted text will be A+1 = B, B+1 =
C, C+1 = D. ABC = BCD, BCD being encrypted text.
- To decrypt, left-shift or right-shift the message letter by letter opposite to the shift performed in
encryption by the value of the key
For example
if the encrypted text is "BCD" and the key is 1 and we are performing left-shift then the encrypted text will be B-1 = A,
C-1 = B, D-1 = C. BCD = ABC, ABC being decrypted text.
Hi!! In this video, I'll be doing caesar cipher encryption and decryption using Python
Caesar Cipher is a substitution cipher, its algorithm is as follows:
- Take alphabetic message (A to Z)
- Take a key (1 to 26) (1 being A and 26 being Z)
- To encrypt, left-shift or right-shift message letter by letter by the value of the key
For example
if the message is "ABC" and the key is 1 and we are performing right-shift then the encrypted text will be A+1 = B, B+1 =
C, C+1 = D. ABC = BCD, BCD being encrypted text.
- To decrypt, left-shift or right-shift the message letter by letter opposite to the shift performed in
encryption by the value of the key
For example
if the encrypted text is "BCD" and the key is 1 and we are performing left-shift then the encrypted text will be B-1 = A,
C-1 = B, D-1 = C. BCD = ABC, ABC being decrypted text.
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