My Honest Review of Gran Turismo 7

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My review of the newest game in the Gran Turismo franchise.

I've played the game for a good 25-30 hours before making this review. Please do let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments!




My YouTube Channels


0:00 Intro
0:36 GT Mode
3:21 Progression
5:28 Physics
9:36 Weather & Dynamic Time
12:21 Graphics
14:00 Sound
14:55 Multiplayer
16:52 Penalties
17:32 AI
18:25 Licences
19:07 Modes
19:51 Tracks
20:49 Cars
21:40 PS4/PS5
22:07 Controller
23:19 Difficulty
24:29 Settings
25:36 Final Verdict

#GT7 #GranTurismo7 #GranTurismo #review
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Hello viewers, just to note that there was a 4gb update and it changed the weather options slightly. Nothing drastic but theres a few more to choose from.

Other than that, I couldn't see any other changes.

Also, with the ray tracing vs frame rate mode - this applies to replays and not other modes.

The main thing I couldn't review properly is the multiplayer as I was only able to do some 'reviewer' races and this isn't really reflective of the final game after release.

Ultimately, I really enjoyed the game and it definitely isn't a case of being GT Sport 2.0 - it really does feel like a new game in its own right.


It's a good thing that people have to play for a few hours before accessing multiplayer! I'm glad that this is a "long-haul" game, it will probably be about 10 years until the next time so what is the rush to complete the whole thing in one day?


For anyone who wants to listen, on the rally racing, change the suspension and shock settings to avoid the big bounce on jumps. One of the earlier Gran Turismo's introduced this. Just in case anyone was curious. Extremely realistic indeed!


Man, so many nights having a beer playing GT when it first came out. My brother sill has all of his records stored on the memory cards. Can't believe how much time has gone by. I was 30 at the time, and now I'm well, older. Ugh. My cousin used to play it as much with us. He would have loved to have seen this release. Sadly he died of a d rug over-dose back in 2004. Rest in peace, Dave.


A review that shows driving physics properly, other reviews are shit in this term.
So it's a closer simulator than previous chapters, GT Sport wasn't bad, in this chapter cars seem more natural to see on track


Excellent review mate. Awesome that you put so much time into it before making the video. Looking forward to the launch!


This is definitely the most thorough and detailed review of the game I've seen so far, and the only one I could find that seemed to be strongly from a sim racer perspective. Extremely useful and what finally put me over the top for a last minute pre-order, thanks in no small part to the detailed discussion of the physics. Thanks!

(PS: From what I've seen from other reviewers who concentrated almost exclusively on frame rates and rendering and such suggests that the game is actually set up the way you were hoping, ie when you enable ray tracing, it shows replays in 30fps with ray tracing, but the actual racing is still *always* in 60fps and with ray tracing disabled.)


I'm thinking that the higher fidelity physics are really going to reset the online pecking order. I've driven a lot of hardcore sims in the past and I've felt that the way some people have been driving (online) on GT have been absolutely getting away with murder. Hopefully these new physics will force the drivers to be more deliberate compromising and graceful.


FYI, the raytracing mode is exactly what you suggested. It reverts to 60fps RT off while racing and only uses RT in menus and replays.
I don't know if you misread it or if it's just poorly explained, but unless you really want 60fps replays there's basically no reason to use the framerate mode


Hi Steve, I'm fehpat_ from the video. Donte12 was given a penalty for that crash. Before the midnight update, we couldn't see the other players' remaining penalty. This situation changed after the update.


I’m kinda missing an offline championship mode, like they have in AC, ACC and F1 games. Especially for a single player focused game. The last to first challenges get old a bit quick. Would love to have qualification sessions with the ai etc.


I hope they have some endurance events like in the earlier games, they were always a fun challenge!


I'm very excited about the new physics, looks like the people who were doomposting about how the physics would be compromised because it's a dual-platform release were wrong as I expected lol. I noticed how for the AI difficulty, "Hard" only has 2 out of 3 peppers, so it looks like Sophy will be the 3 out of 3 whenever that gets released.


SuperGT’s honest review of GT7, ie the holy bible run through of GT7


Two things I had hoped to see in 7:
1. AI that adjusts to your skill level, thus keeping the game challenging.
2. Greater variability in starting grid position. Seems in "Sport" you start either last or a few positions better than last, and the challenge is always the same - fight your way up a pack of slower AI's. Starting in pole position or nearly so and having to keep ahead of a pack of AI's that are essentially your level +/- a couple of tenths over a lap would make for a fun new challenge.


For me, Gran Turismo has always been a single player game so this sounds like it's right up my alley. I didn't want the license tests to be easy or quick just so you can get funneled online. Can't wait to download it.


Man you saying "being in it for the long haul" reminds me of the GT4 Extreme Events F1 series and it took me god knows how long to even put a small dent in the completion of that game. Very excited for this.


4:03 effects of a game developed with microtransactions in mind


what really annoys me is the amount of confirmation clicks it take. for example you finish a race - want to go to the next. it takes up to 15 confirmation X clicks to get back to the map.


I think putting people through their paces in single player first will be beneficial for the online mode as people will be a bit more experienced
