Correct Use of 'SUPPOSED TO' - With Examples, Exercises and Quiz - English Grammar

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All examples from the lesson:
Form: be + supposed to + main verb (base form)
I + am supposed to (present) / was supposed to (past)
He/She/It + is supposed to (present) / was supposed to (past)
You/We/They + are supposed to (present) / were supposed to (past)
1. Duty, responsibility, obligation
You are supposed to listen during the lecture, not talk.
Why are you late? You were supposed to be here at 9 o' clock.
I am supposed to give a speech at my best friend's wedding next week.
You are not supposed to smoke in here.
We are not supposed to feed the animals in the zoo.
When are we supposed to submit this assignment?
What am I supposed to do?
2. Intention or purpose
What is a calculator supposed to do?
It is supposed to help you do mathematical calculations quickly.
What are ATMs supposed to do?
They are supposed to let a bank's customers withdraw cash when they need it.
A company's logo is supposed to help people easily identify its products.
The government's new e-filing website was supposed to make income tax payment simpler for citizens. But many people say it has made the process more difficult!
3. Expectations
What am I supposed to write in a cover letter?
You're supposed to say what job you want to apply for, and what relevant skills you have.
The match was supposed to start at 5 PM, but it has been delayed due to rain.
Popular belief
Harvard Business School is supposed to have the best MBA program in the world.
This restaurant is supposed to serve fantastic sushi.
I got robbed in broad daylight in Canada once. And it is supposed to be one of the safest countries in the world!
1. You must pay the rent before the third day of the month.
2. Students are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the exam room.
3. Radha and Anish were going to get married in August, but they've postponed the wedding to December.
4. Professor Sanchez was scheduled to speak at this conference, but she got ill.
5. I have agreed to pick up a friend of mine at the airport at 8 PM.
6. The job of the government is to protect all of its citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs.
7. The purpose of a graph is to display data visually to make it easier to understand.
8. Many people say that The Titanic is the greatest romantic movie of all time.
Quiz answers:
1. You're supposed to pay the rent before the third day of the month.
2. Students are not supposed to bring any electronic devices into the exam room.
3. Radha and Anish were supposed to get married in August, but they've postponed the wedding to December.
4. Professor Sanchez was supposed to speak at this conference, but she got ill.
5. I'm supposed to pick up a friend of mine at the airport at 8 PM.
6. The government is supposed to protect all of its citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs.
7. A graph is supposed to display data visually to make it easier to understand.
8. The Titanic is supposed to be the greatest romantic movie of all time.