Two exercises in TRUTH TREES for negation, conjunction, and disjunction - Logic

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We do two example truth trees, looking to find inconsistent sets of wffs. #Logic #PhilosophicalLogic
0:00 [Intro]
0:23 [Question #1]
3:28 [Question #2]
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In this video I introduce truth trees, inconsistent sets of wffs, and rules for disjunction, conjunction, and the negation. We talk about disjunction decomposition, conjunction decomposition, double negation, negated disjunction decomposition, and negated conjunction decomposition. Then, we do an example of a truth tree.
0:00 [Intro]
0:23 [Question #1]
3:28 [Question #2]
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Hello, welcome to TheTrevTutor. I'm here to help you learn your college courses in an easy, efficient manner. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe and follow me for updates. If you have any questions, leave them below. I try to answer as many questions as possible.
In this video I introduce truth trees, inconsistent sets of wffs, and rules for disjunction, conjunction, and the negation. We talk about disjunction decomposition, conjunction decomposition, double negation, negated disjunction decomposition, and negated conjunction decomposition. Then, we do an example of a truth tree.
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