Sir Richard Branson | Cheers to the Finalists of the Global Cooling Prize

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The chapter in forthcoming book(s) about greenwashing will find in the 131 entries MANY that used far less energy, cost far less, provided far more comfort, luxury, safety, but as RMI CLAIMS they did they actually did not fail to meet reasonable technical requirements. What they did was cost the special interests represented who claimed 8 only out of ten .2M. Checks and prorated beyond that they are. This video has old seconds in it, filmed before many entrants even filed. It is cynical and sloth for many of the partners and those seen INCLUDED, to know nothing of most of the entries nor the SIMPLE truth this contest will warm our Globe significantly if IT succeeds in making cooling buildings remain normal for preventing our bodies from overheating.

Further the judges include many who believed it was technologically neutral- when in fact it was grid based ludicrously despite U.S. presidential Candidate Ralph Nader being right on the money in Lampooning almost ANY grid dependent effort at efficiency. It is a sieve, a colander, the essence of waste. Putting new cooling loads on it is like putting green energy in its wires; ABSURD.

WILL this project admit this FACT? Or will too much of the world prove gullible to being sold by the industry properly scandalised in TV series "Mad Men." There the HVAV marketer beds the spouse who answers the door. Now GCP elopes with OUR efforts as people of conscience to husband our climate.

We will not surrender. Stolen Thunder rolls not far ENOUGH. People, much more than gcp envisons, will be kept cool and our planet- buildings not so MUCH or we are doomed.


Although I appreciate the persistence of my critique... your silent replacement of the video PREVIOUSLY here LIKELY confuses readers.

As does your not posting the same Day part 2 of awards ceremony as part 1. Even if it was there when I looked earlier arrivers as well would definitely of concluded the solutions details had no hint online provided.

The first two teams to SPEAK did nothing spectacular and did fail to meet tech requirements but to apparently just scold them and as you had surplus prize money but? to them INSIGNIFICANT funds.

Prior though to them a speaker hinted he might like Mr. Of Virgin brands HIMSELF be teachable.

The part 2 video is high QUALITY but the technical committee rebuke is hard to parse. He argues water QUALITY issues from weth20cooling condensor lines.

I really found the RMI speaker to indulge the mic. I HOPE the attendees DID manage ample networking time DESPITE that ordeal. A transcript of these priceless hours would facilitate earlier efficient digestion of "KEYest parts".

'Medically necessary' cooling is the path to disruption for real. The energy absorbing footwear that has kids running from hot indoors to lose body heat via there pumping from each earth impacting step matter exemplifying it.

The underflooring humidity condensing without wetting but still chilling floor panel modules to cool also all not just k9s or winter heat hover low in da 🏠 save even more favorable climate beyond by being controlled by our bodies TEMP not buildings or insulating air.

Dehumidifying is unavoidable perhaps but no decent goal itself. The fatalities from dry air causing flu infections are knowable. We must speak honestly against HVAC dogma. Legions all of us are.


Rural Schools without glass in windows win ACTUAL MATURE awards. In time I will endorse any comparable entrants here, especially if 'SOMEHOW' AMONG the speciously argued vast 8 merely and lift up mainly those hidden elsewhere in the THOUSANDS registered but deterred FROM SUBMISSION by sickening antitrust AND WORSER PARTS kissing barrier(S) to entry few noticed in time.

Still SIR your personal effort is not challenged as in-earnest but ain't super so that would be spelled inearnest RIGHT? Earn that PLEASE! Try MUCH harder.

