Combining Argo CD (GitOps), Crossplane (Control Plane), And KubeVela (OAM)

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Can we make Kubernetes disappear? Can we make infrastructure and application management so simple that anyone can do it? Can we leverage DevOps, SRE, ops, and sysadmin experience to create a system that would make developers autonomous?

TL;DR We can do that by combining ArgoCD (GitOps), Crossplane (control plane), Kubevela (OAM), and a few other tools.

#argocd #crossplane #kubevela #gitops #kubernetes

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What do you think about combining Argo CD, Crosplane, and KubeVela? Can we use those to simplify infra and apps management?


Thank you Viktor, we appreciate you so much! ❤


Very clarified video!
We are trying to create something like that in my company. We also want to add backstage as a frontend view for developer to simplify even more the tooling usability.
I'll keep following you for more tips ;)


Your Charisma is of the charts! Your my Guru Viktor🙏


Awesome!!! Looking forward to test this out!!!


Fantastic Vid, myself and a colleague were actually talking about creating a repo similar to this. Looks like you beat us to it 😂


"happy couples don't make demands from eachother" **takes a short break to contemplate past serious relationships


cool stuff Viktor, Thanks, I appreciate very your work! I am using also ArgoCD in my new project for deploying workload.
But currently I am not sure what is a better approach for a middle/big company:
A) let create every dev-team its own k8s-cluster and got m.b. hunderts of clusters with many unsed (but payed) ressources. As ops you should manage the cluster at the end.
B) let create by the ops-team a 1 "big" cluster with isolated workload and got it managed by the ops-team as a PAAS solution

Both approaches have their pro and cons.The approach B seems for me as Ops more manageable (networking stuff, storage, security, monitoring, logging, backup/recover etc.) and cheaper at the end by cosolidating more different workloads into 1 cluster


Excellent as ever, thanks Viktor!
The feeling is we are closing on the ultimate goal for any devops pundit - to automate us out of the jobs. ;-)
But there is one pillar out of three, which is kind of missing, or is mentioned as a pre-requisite only in the recent demos - [infrastructure, platform, application] - but we need all 3 for completeness. It is bothering me for some time that the means to provide the foundation level - the infrastructure, or the kube clusters management does not have the same wealth of tools as the other two. But there is the 'Cluster API' and the corresponding 'clusterctl' tool. Viktor could you please add the review of that - in the gitops paradigm, of course - to your TODO list? Or maybe another alternative?


Viktor come on you almost had the... A-Team ^_^
I really like where you took those tools. Nice and clean.


Thank you Victor, looks very promising!.
Kind Request: Openshift Hive vs Crossplane ?


Hi Viktor
thank you for your amazing videos.
I have a request: comparison between kaniko, buildah and buildkit using argo workflows and tekton. What do you think?


Hi Viktor, thank you for a great video!
In such setup, how we should define infra dependencies of an application?
for example:
- My backend application require a MySQL & Redis services

How my application should "know" how to address those sevices, is it via env variable or other tools like consul?

Thanks again!


Can't find the link for the repo. Could u help me on that. I loved the approach btw, congrats!


Hey Viktor. As always, thank you so much for such great content.

Question. I'm having a lot of trouble trying to have ArgoCD deploy KubeVela applications. It recognizes the application, shows up as Synced in Argo, but the underlying resources never get deployed like they are here in the video. Do you know why this might be?


Thanks a lot Victor! This is awsome!
Do you know if argo/git can handle thousands of infra folders? Otherwise, when it becomes bigger it will be hard to maintain.
Do you have any replacements in mind? I thought about storing in s3, but then it makes it a bit more complex to use for the developers when comparing to the simplicity of pushing to git. What do you think?


What I struggle to understand is why do I need crossplane at all when I can just use an add-on in Kubevela for a component to create cloud resources.


What would be an approach to completely bootstrap a cluster? Meaning I manually install argocd, crossplane and a cluster composite in kind. Then once the cluster is up, apply an argocd project *in the new cluster* that will look up and sync all my definitions, including everything I manually applied. I have been looking for this approach in your videos but it seems you always have this local “control” cluster where the top level confits are applied


if devs can't manage their own infrastructure you don't have devops system setup


Nice one as always Viktor! I'm interested in how this could be used in conjunction with keptn quality gates and some chaos engineering products but this looks sweet. In regards to vclusters vs this approach, apart from the costs, do you think this is always the better option?
