MapleStory Professions Guide 2024 - Meister Alchemy, Smithing and Accessory Crafting

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I hope this helps!!!!
Guide updated for revamped professions!

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Stream: twitch/duky

00:00 - 05:16 : Preparation and Material Gathering
05:16 - 11:56 : Smithing
11:56 - 16:23 : Alchemy
16:23 - 21:37 : Accessory Crafting
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Couple notes from me:

1) Fatigue no longer resets every hour, it only resets on daily reset but they doubled the max fatigue to compensate.

2) The espresso machine from Maple Home is also a free way to reset a tiny bit of fatigue. You can claim 3 coffees per day per machine so you can stockpile a ton if you have a lot of machines.

3) Should probably be mentioned to please please please don’t use Juniper Berry Seed Oils for potions, use the Flower Oils that were used in the video. New players might mistake seed oils in the video for flower oils and waste them.

4) Other reasons to go max Alchemy is the new EAP potions KMS got. Also Alchemy is the only way to get the 20 slot coin bag. Other miscellaneous benefits for Alchemy is being able to use 2 special potions at the same time (just need to learn alchemy for this) and giving a bonus chance at T7 flames if you fuse equips at Meister Alchemy level.


You cant imagine how hard it is to find a good profession guide for MS. At least until now. Thanks for this.


Thank you very much for the guide!

Maplestory is a game with an overwelming contents to do and most of them still being relevant, but some of them are rly hard to find a good or "up to date" info about, and a profession guide was rly very welcome and helpfull!

Would be great to cover some other stuffs that us still a bit hard for me to know how to deal with, like hyper stats, inner hability, flames, etc., usually what i find are the purely endgame stats we need for bossing, but not how or most eficient way to reach them, or how to deal with them while we grindind or leveling mules.

Beside that, i really liked u content! I know maple for a long time but i never went so far, and im starting from zero now on the new server so guides like that really help me a lot ^^

So thank u very much!


Thanks this helped a lot!!! I saved up all my materials knowing this patch was coming but didn’t do anything until I saw this vid. Finally meister in all 3 important professions, thanks for the tutorial!


Wow ! Finally found the video i was searching for ! Got Meister today because of this !


Whoa! Thank you for this! I only got professions to learn the recipes. Didn’t know they were good for progression


Thanks for the awesome guide. Still works great in 2025.


This is a great video for the MapleStory community. Thank you :)


U can get grand spell essence extracting recipes :)


istg today I did the threads of fate quest and was looking for a video like this


I was the one who asked you on stream, thank you gonna work on it tomorrow-cowsepisrael


You can also craft pills using the mana potion 7000 netting you double the exp per potion batch.
You just need to buy the recipe from the ardentmill shop and takes 10 superior potion coagulant per 50 potions.


Great guide as usual dude! Would love a guide on culvert and which floors to burst on in order to best reach the highest floor. Not sure if it’s possible to do a generic guide but would love your POV


There is another way to lower fatigue, but it's more of a gimmick lol.

You can make three "Homemade Espresso Victoriano" coffees a day, that restore an amazing five fatigue each, by getting an "Expresso Machine" in your Maplestory home from the Large Townhouse Furnishing Pack under the Shopping tab.


Wow I didn't realize having 3 characters for tof was the tech to get both minerals and herbs.


Looking for crafting veins/flowers is just not fun. My advice is to simply play regularly, and get them whenever they appear in your map.

It stacks really quickly when you don’t think about it.


For alchemy a way better option is to make Defense Potions X because you can transform the potions to Advanced Defense Potions using Lidium. Way more efficient.

Then you just buy Defense Pill Recipes in Ardentmill and transfer potions into pills literally for free.


great all-in-one video for professions ngl, gotta save this link for later lmfao


W video. Hypothetically imagine if someone went live by mistake a just started to rp it would be mad embarrassing coulnd't be me.


Been doing all 25 of my characters to 200. The first thing I do is unlock mining and herbalism to mine the nodes while I farm. Still debating what to main which is kinda why I am doing all to 200. I used to main hayato before I quit a while back and it's at 282 but with legion and all I've just been stockpiling for who I want to main next. Have thousands of crystals and stuff from dismantling so hopefully by the time I get all to 200 I'll be able to just level it up in one go without needing to farm for stuff.
