Dr. Dana Show & Tell Presents Lou Corona, 'Forever Young, Aging Well No Matter Your Age'

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“There is so much shame in our culture around aging,” said Koshin Paley Ellison, Buddhist monk and co-founder of the New York Zen Center of Contemplative Care. Whereas Asian, European and African cultures have for millenniums revered their ‘elders’ as harbingers of insight, knowledge and deserving of respect; North America is where the pursuit of youth is tantamount to a cultural obsession.

Lou Corona shares his secrets of aging backwards. Evolving from a life changing life and death event Lou Corona propelled himself into a lifestyle change by adopting: The Four Principles of Health that has seen him age younger ever since, a real life Benjamin Button- originally portrayed by Brad Pitt.

Food is one of those principles. On the show you will see a demonstration of a blended coconut, non dairy yogurt a mainstay in Lou Corona's dietary routine. Lou in the parlance of actors has an agr range of 48- to 59 and in dog years he is an unbelievable 10.

Ageism is symptomatic of a nation that is in the throes of its own historical adolescence, a transient society where the ties that bind no longer do and sage wisdom is best conveyed with 140 characters or less.

Youth, at any age, is a desirable social currency. “On the flip side juvenilization, characterized by the loss of cultural memory and losing our place in a historical context should not be misconstrued with those positive attributes associated with youth,” said Stanford Professor and author, Robert Harrison. “Flexibility, optimism, humor and a zest for living do not come with an expiration date.”

By 2030, the number of people ages 65 and older is expected to exceed 73 million. This is 33 million more mature adults than today; comprising a third of the nation’s population overall. No longer should physical signs of aging be regarded with distaste. - By C. Roget - Show Runner, Dr. Dana Show & Tell

The Churchill Center
Address: 1950 Sunny Crest Dr. Suite: 2000 Fullerton CA 92835
Phone: (714) 888-5123

#DanaChurchill #TheChurchillCenter #ForeverYoung #AlmondCoconutYogurt #AgingBackwards #healthy
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Good to see Lou Corona so well at 70🙏🌸💪💪💪❤️


This man is a living example of the power of lifestyle choices, Lou is such an inspiration 👏


wish the video was just the camera shot of Lou talking with Dana. All the random stock cut scenes are quite distracting. Thanks for this content with Lou corona, either way.


Ok... He doesn't look like he is 30. What's wrong with the host? He does look younger then his age, though. I would say between 50 and 60.


What an awesome show! Love it!. Great editing. Great questions Dana!


The Power of Digestive and Systemic Enzymes ! Lou Corona shows humanity how to live in Abundant Health with enzymes and living vegan foods.
