The Nuremberg Trials. WWII

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The Nuremberg trials of Nazi criminals opened a new page in the international law.
The initiation of war was declared a crime. The trials also introduced such terms as crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.
The defendants believed that Hitler would be blamed for everything, and they would be cleared of all charges as mere executors of the Fuhrer’s orders.
Their lawyers tried to prove the ineligibility of the court. But it was supported by the international agreements and recently created UN.
Prosecutors represented almost every allied country.
Eleven months of hard work, sixteen thousand pages of protocols, twenty-four accused.
Key Nazi leaders committed suicide or died even before the trials.
Herman Goring believed that all his charges would be dropped. But after his sentence was announced, he committed suicide in his cell.
In total, eleven people were executed. Three – acquitted.
The rest went to prison.
The materials of the Nuremberg Trials were used in trials of other Nazi criminals in other countries.
The NSDAP and SS were outlawed.

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