'The Greatest Beer Run Ever' clip - Funny clip, bringing beer to Rick Duggan

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Funny clip of the movie 'The Greatest Beer Run Ever'.
John "Chickie" Donohue requests to see Rick Duggan while fighting the Viet Cong during the Vietnam war... to bring him beer. All while under attack.

The Greatest Beer Run Ever (2022). Watch it now on AppleTV+

Song at the beginning of the clip:
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Smell of Incense
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I love how the soldiers are see some dude in civi clothing, no papers, and a real confident attitude are are just like “fuck he’s definitely CIA”


This is not how it went down. In real life, the dudes were both confused and excited when he showed up. The people that were pissed off were the MPs and chain of command that had no idea who this guy was, but funny enough one of the MPs was one of the dudes on Duggans list to give a beer to...they drank a beer together and then he helped him on his way to get to the next guy.


They left out the best part where the sergeant gave Chickie a pistol and then took it back.


ended up buying the book after the movie and the actual event in the book is a whole lot better, just about everyone was supportive of chickie when they realized what his actual plan was


I hope they paid that duffel bag really good, because, besides efron, that duffel bag got the most screen time, he literally carries that duffel bag the entire movie LMFAO


A close second was in the year 2000, a college house party I was at got raided by the cops. I was standing by the keg in the back yard. The yard had no fence just woods. The other guy standing by the keg was a giant Swedish/ viking looking kid named Shane. He grabbed one side I grabbed the other and through the woods we went. We did not slip we did not trip and thanks to cellphones we were able to pull off a perfect extraction from the next neighborhood over and start a second party at an apartment building 👍


I would have been pumped as hell if a buddy of mine brought me some beers out in the middle of a war zone.


0:53 he really answerrd with honesty 😂😂😂 but they thingking he just spy 😂😂😂


At a certain point i think everyone thought he was an Officer from the company and went along with it 😂


When I was a lad, in the Army, my unit went into the Far North of Australia for an extended period of various exercises, many tales could be told of this period, this is one. There were various sub-units, each in separate areas doing various things. The sub-units split into smaller sub-sub units and would “do their thing way out in the wild country ( it should be remembered, non-one lived up there). Towns were hundreds of kilometres apart. Our sub-unit formed a “Base Camp” with fairly good amenities. The sub-sub units would come back into Base Camp about every week for a few days, to clean up, refurbish, do vehicle maintenance, re-supply etc. the sub-unit HQ staff started a “canteen” buying beer by the bottle, can and keg, form a Hotel some hundred kilometres away, it was expensive! Some one suggested we could buy direct from the brewery, put it on a truck, drive it up (a 3 day drive) and sell it at a cheaper price and make a better profit for the sub-unit social club coffers. This was organised and done, 3 other sub-units joining in to supply their own canteens. We are talking a semi-trailer truck carrying about 10 tonnes of booze! The exercise went well, except, few realised how fast the booze would be consumed by the 4 sub-units, another trip was organised. So, off went a Col with a pile of money, accompanied by a driver, they got a bigger load and started back. The last 500 kilometres of the trip were over dirt roads. On the way it started to rain. About 200 kilometres from the first drop, the truck got bogged, up to the axles, all wheels. Luckily, they had a radio and radioed their plight! Then, through the bush there commenced to arrive various bands, out of no-where, on foot, having heard of a truck load of booze stranded and determined to “get their share”. However, they had not reckoned with the determination of thirsty soldiers. The first reinforcement was 3 soldiers hanging off the outside of a light observation helicopter, they were armed, automatic weapons and heaps of visible ammo. Then, walking through the bush, came a “patrol” of 10 soldiers, likewise armed and carrying kit to set up a camp and guard the truck. To cut a long story short, it was weeks before a salvage rig could get into there and get the truck up and the cargo delivered. During the wait a mini Base Camp was set up at the truck and “exercises” were run from the trucks location and a “canteen” was set up. The “waiters” being the non-Army people who appeared from nowhere, were welcomed in the canteen at our prices, the cost to them of the booze was less than half of the cost elsewhere up there.


I know I'd be pissed. Making me run through hot zone.


Love when Chickie says (all innocent and what not) “I ammm” at the end


You wonder how much the butterfly effect of Johns beer run potentially might have saved lives.


I remember reading about this beer run somewhere then I saw the trailer. What an absolutely amazing story


"God Dammit they never tell me shit!" Yeah I feel that....


"Sarge" guy is a terrific actor..😂😂😂


I read about this years ago. So glad they made a movie about it.


Well you might as well drink the beer since he’s there.


That is an awesome part of the movie. Thanks for sharing this mate.


We all could use a friend like ckickey
